Migraine Headaches & Pressure Headaches
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Hi Ladies,
I'm not trying to scare anyone or freak anyone out, but I feel I need to tell you all about my experience.
I've been having migraine headaches, pressure headaches, dizziness and nausea. I kept chalking it all up to menopause. Because as most of you know, so many of these symptoms are menopause.
Last Friday, Jan 2nd at around 7:30PM my boyfriend and I were leaving a restaurant, suddenly I started getting shocks in my right leg like my leg was falling asleep, while I was walking to the car. This shocking feeling quickly radiated up my arm and into my head, all on the right side. My boyfriend quickly started toward the hospital. On the way I lost the ability to formulate sentences and words. I would say one sentence and a totally different sentence would come out. I would try to say one word and a totally different word came out. Being a former medic the only word I wanted to relay was "stroke". It felt like someone had tased my right side. It was the most frightening thing I'd ever experienced and I was awake for the entire ride. After getting to the hospital I was in the ER for about 3 hours. Then sent to Neurology/Stroke ward. For the next few days I had a battery of MRI's, EEG, EKG's, CT Scans, Blood Work, Ultra Sounds and a Spinal (Lumbar Punch). Within 6 or so hours I was able to formulate sentences and say words again. I forced myself the entire time. My right side started getting feeling back within a few days. I still have some numbness in my right hand and am experiencing peripheral neuropathy symptoms in my right leg and foot.
The neurologist found a mass in my brain. Thanks be to God that it is benign. I just found out yesterday that I am cancer free. However, they still don't know what the mass is. It could be a tumor or a jelly bean I stuffed in my nose as a child. (joking) But we won't know for a while.Also it might be inoperable too. I will be seeing the Dr on the 13th for an MRI Rx. In a month we'll do the MRI and see what has happened with this mass. Is the edema gone, has it shrunk or grown? Things like that.
So my point is: Please get checked, please don't do what I did and write it all off to menopause. It could be, it may not be...either way, please get checked.
Many blessings to all of you in this journey.
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inessa7 EvaServal
EvaServal inessa7
Sandy07 EvaServal
EvaServal Sandy07
Tracky EvaServal
EvaServal Tracky
Tracky EvaServal
EvaServal Tracky
jayneejay EvaServal
first, big hug coming your way, and second, thank you for sharing such a personal story.
Thank goodness you went to the hospital ..
Wishing speedy recovery for you sweetie - all the best
jay x
EvaServal jayneejay
susan47122 EvaServal
loretta63638 EvaServal
EvaServal loretta63638