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Hi girls at night if I can't nod off mind start racing with thoughts I must be dying and then I'm slightly trembling unsettle all need to do is sleep it off at least this is very sad, my Dr gave meantidepreesents and said take 2 only to woken up with high heart rate and I jump out of bed and panic call Ambulance out to check it out but was fine very scary when your on your own all I do just wish and wish it would settle even if it's a few months to feel better I'm praying hard right now for all,of us not just myself, my neighbor said it will stop and I'm trying to hold on to those words.
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Eliaimee1970 maria76995
Toddpodd maria76995
As i am reading this I am on a train where I usually get panicky. I am fine! I read it and thought that sounds like me. I have in the past on 2 occasions called the ambulance, what I know now and didn't know then is that it's part of menapause, you are not dying although you feel you are. I still experience these episodes but they will pass. Just try to breath when this happens and tell yourself this is temporary I'm not dying. I too live on my own I use to hang out the window at 2am sometimes and breath in fresh air...the coldness sometimes brought me back to reality 😂Good luck! Remember when this happens again say to yourself Polly says it will pass...😁hugs to you
maria76995 Toddpodd
Hi toddpod, thanks I couldn't be on that train,perhaps the bus this is terrible I need sleep it off at night though,you can't seem to see no light at the end of the tunnel yet but what else can you do I could hardly do things but I have to force myself daily to do washing and other things like shopping.
vicky36055 maria76995
I go through the same but during the day as well. doctor tells me it's health anxiety but that doesn't seem to put my mind at rest.
maria76995 vicky36055
Hi Vicky no it doesn't being post now God help me but it seems like I have to push through this meds make my mouth dry horrible you just don't know what to do from day to day
julie7525 maria76995
maria76995 julie7525
Hi Julie was on Setraline last year gave me dry mouth and that's not nice, I'm learning not to myself when I go out not to panic with them..I go to Dr and if they don't call my name out by certain time you can panic,hospitals is worst as your in there for up 2 hours, I'm trying trying my appetite in great but I'm eating what ever I fancy
sarah39816 maria76995
Hi, Maria,
I am so sorry you are going through this! I have the racing mind all the time. I try to lie down and go to sleep at night, but the thoughts start going around and around and I get terribly anxious. The anxiety and fears can be about my health, my loved ones, and anything else that creeps into my head. It makes me nervous and shaken. Sometimes all this turns into a racing heart with skipping beats. I try to think about pleasant things and focus on deep breathing. Sometimes it works, but often does not. I do have a history of anxiety. Many years ago (I'm 47 now and have been in Peri for about 5 years) I briefly took anti anxiety meds, but found they made me feel much worse. Sometimes I'm so exhausted I wonder if I could die from the exhaustion?!!!
I want you to know that you are not alone. My doctor has told me over and over that all these horrible symtoms are hormomal and a normal part of the transition into menopause. She suggested walking, yoga, a Gluten free/Dairy free diet (which I have been following for 5 months now), adrenal supplements, magnesium and BHRT (I have my hormones, but have been reluctant to take because I was scared I'd feel worse). The walking has helped me a bit. It's all so stressful, but I do believe it will eventually get better.
I wish I had a magic wand I could wave over you and all this would just disappear. I wanted to write and tell you that you that I'm told this will get better and we will eventually feel better. Please hang in there and do whatever is necessary to take care of you. Big hugs--Sarah