Miserable Mum please help
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mandy91562 Marley1 • 13 minutes agoHi I'm new to the group. I've been reading some posts/ replies on here what a lovely group of people you are!
im 46 and recently diagnosed as peri menopausal. My doc tried to put me on Prempak c . I did take them for 2 months but felt terribly bloated so ive stopped taking them . That was a month ago and I feel awful again. My main symptom is feeling sad. Not just a little bit sad but sad to the point where I want to be alone .. I can't listen to the news or any slow songs on the radio as I know it will set me off. I hate myself and have driven some friends away with my constant excuses of not wanting to go out. I think some have finally got bored of me.
As I type this im alone again in my bedroom- fending off 3 children who are getting used to their mum going to bed at 7.30pm. I love my children and husband and I'm worried I will drive them away too.
Does anyone have any suggestions? X 0 votes Report Share Reply
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gill00147 mandy91562
mandy91562 gill00147
gill00147 mandy91562
cazjaz16 mandy91562
sue976 mandy91562
stephinator45 mandy91562
Trevis mandy91562
michele84063 mandy91562
Please be reassured that you are far from alone in feeling the way you do. I suggest you speak to your GP (don't be afraid of breaking down in tears - I did!) and keep going until you'e given something to help you get through.
I keep telling myself this will not last forever and that one day, I will be back to my old self again. In the meantime, don't put pressure on yourself and explain to family/friends and colleagues that you are going through peri and sometimes find it difficult to cope. You may be surprised at the support you receive.
Thinking of you and hoping you will find something to help you soon - remember, the help IS out there.
Michele x
TeresaJS mandy91562
A bit of yoga...talk to your family so that they can support you, it's not your fault.
I hope you find the support you need in here and elsewhere. X.
susan21149 mandy91562
I understand how you are feeling about being sad and alone. We all go through this I have had my share of depression and anxieties and yes it does not feel good
jennifer01077 mandy91562
So sorry to hear about your depression, your sadness. I think the ladies have given you a lot of great suggestions, anti-depressants, transdermal hormonal creams ( you can rub them on your forearms), yoga. I just want to extend my sympathy, and to suggest you do look for solutions, that it is obviously hormonal, it's not you. Don't be afraid of the medicines, and have courage with the changes that your body is undergoing. I have gotten a tire around my middle, which on good days I think looks kinda cute, and on bad days looks kinda grotesque, and those bad and good days definitely depend on the time of the month! So I try to practise mindfulness, detach my mind a bit from its normal human worries.
Love, you matter. Try something else, and if it doesn't work, something will. And maybe it will help you to know that research has proven that older people are definitely happier than younger people, that this transition phase is taking you to a better place.
nikiola18292 mandy91562
missmacca77194 mandy91562
I'm peri menopausal have been for about a year .
In the lat year I've had my children move out as well so there's only me and my husband at home sincwas they moved out its got worse I've also suffer with really bad acid reflux I've also been told that the reflux could from menopause and of course stress.
I'm also seeing a councilor. Which helps .
my problem is I don't like anyone seeing me this way so I hide somewhere on my own.
Still struggling my problem is I over think everything. Which isn't good cause it causes more stress.
I'm also new to this forum. .
Shelly0069 mandy91562
nikiola18292 Shelly0069
Sorry to hear you feeling so bad. Me too, im peri menopausal my GP did blood test and it came back with hormone fluctuations have had them before when i felt exactly the same and came back normal, due to difficulty in fluctuating hormones very hard to diagnose. So i would go with you gut instint that you are peri. My GP said that it is a 10 slow decline and those of us that have bad PMT symptoms get a whole amplified peri version....lovely!
I was so anxious the other week, i didnt know what to do with myself. My GP then said that i have mild hypertension, i managed to talk to her and explain that im feeling so anxious because of peri and that it is affecting my blood pressure. Anyhow was also worrying about breast screening that i had yesterday, as hit 50 in Jan.....im a natural worryer anyway.
To be honest the only way i think you can deal with those awful stomoch twisting anxiety feelings is to do some exercise, Pilates, Yoga, walking, running, swimming. This does releive tension. When i horrible belt of anxiety 2 years ago, with a panic attack thrown in for good messure, i made myself go swimming which did wonders, really kicks out all the negative, depressive, anxious thoughts. xx
Hope that help. x
missmacca77194 nikiola18292
Has more tests done it's not juSt peri anymore I've have another fight I have lung cancer To beat now .
Thanks anyway x
nikiola18292 missmacca77194
I so so sorry to hear that, be strong. Thinking of you. Stay on here and you will get tons of support from us all.
Kindest regards
Niki xx