Miserable “rib cage” feeling
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Hi all- just when some symptoms go away, as always I’m feeling something else..which of course is giving me anxiety..the bottom of my rib cage/lower back is just really bothering me..if someone hugs me, it feels like it’s going to crack! And I am sensitive in what I imagine is the kidney area on both sides.. I try to walk daily, stay hydrated but this symptom is so weird and of course makes me feel like it’s something worse..my sinuses and allergies are also a total nightmare this past week..last month it was stomach issues, before that, shaky and heart palpitations..ugh..just wondering if anyone ever noticed this back rib pain. Take care all and thansks for being here, it helps so much to know we aren’t alone!
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lana07071 amy341731
amy341731 lana07071
karen96096 amy341731
lana07071 amy341731
Exactly. I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and wonder if there's a connection. Dr said I wouldn't have fractures for at least a decade... U feel like I'm going to hear krichkhh in my ribs!!
nat37862 amy341731
Hi Amy-I also have rib pain on my left side, it is in front and on my side, I did fall on on my left side over a year ago. Of course my hypochondriac side of me thought it was lung cancer......I don't smoke! I did have a chest x-ray and a full rib series done, everything was normal. I too have osteoporosis and the PA recommended glucosamine chondroitin with MSM 1500 mg a day. Your might want to ask your Dr. about it, it really is helping the rib pain. Hope you feel better soon!