missed periods

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I have been experiencing very irregular periods in the past year. Sometimes it comes in 24 days, sometimes regular 28 days, and sometimes skip a month or two all together. Clear signs of Peri I guess. It has been 44 days since my last period, and now I have some symptoms like a bit of pain in the belly and the hallmark tiredness (which I always have bf period). But I don't have my other usual symptoms like breast tenderness or irritability, no complaint on that of course wink

Now, I have a trip schedule this weekend to a beach destination and I don't know what to do. I have till tonight (Cali time) to cancel it as I would not enjoy it if I have to go through the whole ordeal of period. I wished there was a way to know if the sign means it's coming or it only means hormonal changes and no period will show up. Normally, when I have the signs it shows up. But this time they signs are much milder so I am not sure sad


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Why are you cancelling your trip ? If you’re not feeling ill or fatigued ? My periods stopped for a few months at 48 but I did not have the crippling symptoms that I have now 

    I cancelled a trip to Europe in June as I literally couldn’t function .... permanently in bed fatigued dizzy .... if you’re feeling ok just go . 

  • Posted

    hi there Naz i think you will be fine i have symptons  the same as you i think my period is going to start up  even when im out and feel this way but nothing happens i would go out and enjoy i know its not nice when you feel this way maybe take a painkiller before you go out to ease those feelings x 
  • Posted

    Hi Naz,  just go! If you are physically and mentally up for it...why not!  I can’t even walk across the room without needing a nap right now...peri/meno is a beast when it strikes.  

    Believe me, you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t go!  Make me a sand castle 😊

  • Posted

    Go, wear a pad just in case, and don't wear white pants! hahaha

    I'm at the point where I never know when I'm going to get a period after being extremely regular all of my life. It's not very convenient.

    Hope you have fun! XO

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