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Hi Ladies

ive been Peri for a long time.

But now my symptons are worse. Now I get dizziness , flu like symptoms every morning, I forget stuff , feel like something is crawling on me ,itchy for now reason, redness on my skin, heart palpitations aches and pains .

ive had my uterus out still got my ovaries. I get bloating a lot . QI suffer from reflux. As well.

bacik in May 2015 I had an op on my luck due to cancer it took 6 months to diagnose it so now I'm just a stress head. I also get anxiety,panic attacks . 

Its just so scary .


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel for you, it's so scary when cancer is thrown into the mix. Take care of yourself. We will beat this. Xx
  • Posted

    I feel the same daily it's a struggle
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      Sorry for being so simple
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    Hi sorry to say this but im pro menapausal  now aged 65 next birthday, im getting the same as you, exactly the same as you, feel terrible in the mornings, really unwell as you say flu like symptoms, bloating but thats probably due to my neglected diet and eating to much chocolate which im going to have to cut out i really am as not doing my liver any good. I to have my overies and my uterus. I went through and still do have the panicky feelings and i dont want to go out on my own anywhere.

    MInd you having an op for cancer on your ? did you mean back? is enough to leave anyone feeling stressed out. Presume they are keeping a check on you now then.

    Ive read theres a chemical in celery that attacks cance cells as does Broccoli and cabbage so eat plenty of this.


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      Yes the op was on my lung i was suppose to lose the top lobe but because i had good pink lungs the Dr only took a piece. It was scary but with what I've been through the last 10 years just got to try an stay positive

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      I'm sorry I have no advise, but I feel for you based on how I feel
  • Posted

    Oh I remember those creepy crawly feelings on my skin. I would take an antihistamine and it seemed to take that feeling away. As for forgetfullness, I'm still dealing with that, I was taking gingko biloba it worked a little not much. I'm still also suffering with skin rashes, sensitive thin skin and itchy skin like on my legs or foot area. All a part of the process. Everything you've describes I've had without any surgery so I feel for you. Go see your doctor and ask to be put on something that may help if you want relief.  I tried several meds before I went on a low dose birth control pill, but I got off of it too early that brought back the symptoms 10 fold. Anyhow, food is a big factor. Avoid all foods with soy anything. Soy milk, soy lecithin, soy derived, etc. Soy causes hormone fluctuations but so does sugar of any type like fructose, glucose, dextrose and mannose. They also cause hormonal fluctuations. Avoid carbs like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes. Well, just know you're not alone. But getting on some type of pill will help.
  • Posted

    Its so hard at times. You are not alone. I Just started juicing to see if it helps.  Ginger and basil are my best friends. Chop up half a cup of basil and eat it and i eat ginger about half a thumb amount a day. You can buy it where they sell sushi and eat a few slices or fresh and juice it with whatever or boil it in tea or add to a soup but it is helpful. I get most of the symptoms you noted i am menapausal now. I dont know how a person would not have anxiety going through all these changes and symptoms. I awaiting now that i am menapausal for things to balance out better. Sometimes i feel very off walking about like im crooked its so strange but it will all pass. The body is strong and like to maintain a balance so hopefully ir will figure it all out. My friends have many of similiar issues as well so we all assume its hormonal changes.

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