Moments of unsteadiness

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I am two years post menopause and have recently felt abit unsteady once when getting up and the other couple of times while I was standing. My blood pressure is OK I wondered if anyone else had experienced this.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Pincatfai, this can be due to an inner ear problem. If it is, it can last anywhere from a few days to months. But then I have had a handful of patients during my 18 yr carrier dealing with post-menopausal females who have had similar symptoms and going on Bio-identical hormones seemed tp take care of it. I would give it a bit of time to see if it gets better in a few days. If not, have your ears checked and if all well, you may want to try HRT, assuming that you are otherwise healthy
  • Posted

    Hi pinkcatfairy, yes I am postmenopause & I get this, I also get where I'm a bit light headed very hot & sweat @ the same time. My blood pressure is good I am on HRT so going to mention it to my GP.

    • Posted

      Dear Mars

      Yes I too have had the light heady feel but this one is new to me suddenly feeling off balance, I will book an appointment if it continues

  • Posted

    Hi yes I do get this unsteadiness sometimes not steady on your feel a lot people on another chat forum says they get too feel like your either walking on one side or fall over kind of feeling but you don't fall..all hormones playing tricks.

    • Posted

      Hello Maria

      Yes it is a new symptoms for me, like you say you feel like your going to one side but dont fall another meno symptom!!

  • Posted

    Hi, I too have been dealing with the unsteadiness. I thought it may be an inner ear problem,my Dr. sent me to a dizziness clinic. Now from reading these posts I'm really thinking this is yet another symptom of menopause. I was thrown into menopause after having a hysterectomy in my early 40's, I'm now just 3 days away from 50. With everything from Anxiety, the odd hot flashing, emotional ups and downs to now dizziness I will be so happy when these symptoms start to minimize. Sometimes I really feel like I'm losing my mind. Thankfully I found these discussions and this helps to make me feel like I'm not alone in this!!

    • Posted

      Dear Angie

      Thank you for your reply, yes it seems another symptom. I am two years post surgical (ovaries removed due to family history) but I am still getting symptoms returning x

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