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Hi ladies
I haven't been on for a while, after having a reasonable could of months with just general symptoms I've been whacked full force this month with lots from bloated belly, nausea, joint pain, feeling mega negative and everyone getting on my nerves to rage and weariness, health anxiety to doom thoughts, am sick of my life... Period due at some stage from now although God knows when. I have just had a full on sobbing session with the hubby about everything including the fact that I'm turning into someone I don't know and I hate feeling like this, I want me back!! Now I want a MacDonald's large meal and a ring doughnut because I've turned into a human disposal unit who eats her own body weight every day then complains about my big belly.... Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!! Stop the peri menopause bus I want off!!!! Hope you're all doing okay, lots of squishy hugs Sheena xxx
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Pennypops sheena4572
Oh dear Sheena, big hugs ...Yes it's all sh*t at times !! After a particular bad day i want a large glass of wine and chocolate, i bloat out with the chocolate and the wine makes my hot flushes worse lol ....My poor husband has to put up with a lot.. Including my snoring ..chin up 👍
DaisyDaze Pennypops
Oh, the snoring. I'm so embarrassed by my snoring problem. Usually, I opt for the couch so I do not wake my husband.
sheena4572 Pennypops
It's just a ride I don't want to be on. My hubby is feeling the brunt this week haha. Big hugs x
maria_03422 sheena4572
So sorry Sheena
I'm there with you..I had about 6 months of quite feeling semi normal and about 7 weeks ago everything came back 10 times worst..
My husband doesn't like me much these days, I'm constantly arguing about everything any discussion he tries to have with me ..I don't like the sad person I become..same as you everyday something else anxious about my health my children in my head always some disaster is playing out
I use to be so fun to be around so crazy I had so many friends and now seat here day in and day out by myself worrying about any new symptom pops up!!! The more I watch my diet no coffee no alcohol no sweets no no no.... the worst I feel!!! The only thing I enjoy right now is my daily walk it, time to myself clear my head and day dream a little
I have days I wanna get in my car and drive off and don't look back!!!! You are not alone!!! This week I'm dealing with nausea first thing in the I'm having morning sickness!!! Feel better!
sheena4572 maria_03422
Isn't it horrible not feeling like you, I hate it, it's wearing me down but I won't let it beat me.
The nausea is exactly like morning sickness and hugs awful. Hope yours passes quickly. It's just pm nice to know that mousse not alone.
Yeah I have days where people just get on my nerves and then other where I feel pm alone, can't win can we??
Big hugs to you today x
maria_03422 sheena4572
Pennypops maria_03422
Hi Maria, I also like taking long walks we live near a river and I put my headphones on and get into my own little world ...if it's sunny even better as I can put my sunglasses on and really hide from the world x
karen77710 sheena4572
sheena4572 karen77710
Thanks it's just a bad week I think. Everything has kind of caught up and whacked me. Hope you're okay x
LindaJaney sheena4572
I am going through same Sheena and I feel for you bigtime. This forum is new to me and I'm so grateful for it already. the only thing worse than everything we are going through is going through it alone. I'm so overwhelmed this month with anxiety, health anxiety, horrible symptoms (that ramp up the health anxiety!), guilt from absolutely losing my mind like a crazy person...the list goes on. I've had to stay with my mom for the week because it got so bad I could not look after myself much less anyone else. I've always been a tough, strong girl...this is so hard to get through and I am beating myself up. I'm too early into this to even have any good advice - but I am thinking of you and I think you should have the McDonalds and or donut if you want. The salt and sugar cravings are really strong for me too...and we don't deserve another thing to feel bad about. You can eat heathy when your hormones settle down more. I really hope you feel better soon xxx
maria_03422 LindaJaney
Did any of you experiencing dizziness and nausea when first wake up?
Since my period ended on monday the last 3 mornings I wake up feeling nauseous and light headed..I hate this feeling is almost having morning sickness..
sheena4572 LindaJaney
sheena4572 maria_03422
I get about 2-3 days of nausea before my period, I don't get dizziness thank God as I don't think I could cope with another symptom haha. X
maria_03422 sheena4572
I use to get that before my period as well..I'm not sure whats going on this month..wish was a day that I will feel my old self again!xxxxx
Azzumi sheena4572
Hi Sheena..sorry to hear things flared up again. Apparently this does happen. After the last few months on BHRT and doing pretty good. Actually posted here a few times about my success, I too had a flare up of sorts. About a week ago started with a bizzar migraine and a shocking mood swing which my darling boyfriend copped big time. The migraine lasted 6 days and after my stupid outburst I had to sit down and try to explain again why I carried on like a lunatic and how sorry I was and how this menopause thing had reared its ugly head again. I had some spotting too that totally irritated me as this stuff was supposed to be over. Also after the outburst I spent the next few days feeling depressed and confused. Im so disappointed in myself for doing this to someone I love so much, even though he knows why. Its like there's someone else inside me when it happens.
Maybe this is the end of it now. Who knows. Only time will tell.