Mood changes on meopause
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My wife is going through menopause. She often seems depressed and angry most of the time. IS it because of the hormonal immbalance she is going through ? should we be concerned about it ? Is there any treatments or soothing excersises we can opt ? I read about massage therapy treatments to overcome depression , Is it actually helpful ?
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aimee1970 harrison48092
Yep . I remember my mom being moody and she was menopause induce. I have read that they give antidepressants . I am going thru some symptoms and I'm trying to figures out myself . You are a nice man trying toeh help her out. My husband probably would deal with that soon. Good luck this is a good site.
supemack39 harrison48092
Nice to see a husband getting involved! We women who are lucky enough to have an understanding partner should count our blessings. Unfortunately, during this traumatic period of our lives, we often cannot acknowledge the help offered, as we become self absorbed due to the horrible effects of hormonal imbalance. There are very many symptoms including the ones you have mentioned. If you look for medical assistance, apart from hrt, your wife may be prescribed anti depressants, sleeping tablets, beta blockers if she is anxious etc. The list can go on, and she could become dependant on these meds. You don't say what age your wife is, and if she is on hrt?
Sochima822 harrison48092
The best exercise is walking for about 20-30 minutes a day.
lena53512 harrison48092
Be kind and loving to you wife, and support her.
Azzumi harrison48092
Hi Harrison, the fact that you took the time to post about your wife says a lot. Its incredibly hard for our partners to watch up go through this especially when we have terrible mood problems for no apparent reason. My worst symptom by far was moods with depression, nervous anxiety, anger, frustration and unbearable obsessive negative thinking. It got that bad that I questioned my own sanity and it scared me. It was destroying my life. I have a wonderful boyfriend who coincidentally studied female hormones years ago before I met him so he understood more about hormone imbalance than I did. Very simply when we reach a certain age our bodies no longer produce hormones properly which causes them to become unbalanced. Some women do get through without hormone therapies but for some it just isn't possible. When I finally couldn't function anymore I decided to start bio identical hormones and discovered that my body responds negatively to too much estrogen and it literally send me crazy. My BHRT is a combination of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone as all three are needed to be balanced properly. My doctor used blood work, symptoms and my body type to work out how much of each hormone to give me. It also isn't an instant fix and needed adjusting a couple of times but after 5 months I have my life back. Hot flashes gone, morning nausea gone, exhaustion gone, 25 years of migraines almost gone, insane sugar cravings gone, crying all day gone, mood swings almost gone, negatives from BHRT none. I have another checkup next week and another small adjustment if needed then I stay on for life and have blood work done yearly in case anything changes. Women try a lot of different things to help them. This is what I chose to do and so far so good.
Hope this helps you understand a little bit more😃