moody cow or menopause ?

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hi all, i have read a lot of your forums and lots seem to have similar symptoms but i have to say my worst symptom is my mood swings, i can be jumping around with the joys of spring one minute to paranoid cow and don't want to be here the next - i have the most understanding partner in the world (only 2 yrs in mind)!! and i need to do something to ease these symptoms before i screw this up!  please ladies any suggestions - i really wanted to go down the herbal route if possible but any help will be gratefully accepted.  other symptoms, weight gain, moods, funny taste, spots, (the weight gain is getting me down too) the doc prescribed citralopram (anti deps) for the mood swings which do help a little but on a very low dose and to be honest don't want to be doped by them...

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I reckon it's hormonal hun. I'm terrible, one minute fine, the next a stark, staring lunatic lol. My worse symptoms are dizziness and horrendously heavy and painful periods (and ovulation, sometimes that's worse than my period) I'm at the endometriosis centre next week so hoping for some help. I was taking a women's multivitamin but stopped it coz the dizzies started again, bought liquid iron, yuk!!! But it has perked me up a bit. Peppermint capsules help with colicky tummy pain and B12 boost spray is a God send x
    • Posted

      thanks Donna - its the pits isn't it!!  what is the B12 spray for??
    • Posted

      I use it to help with the dizzies plus it's supposed to help with cognitive issues, concentration etc. My nana had pernicious anemia which is something to do with lack of intrinsic factor and makes people low on B12. My nan had to have vitamin B12 injections every 3 months to boost hers else she turned into a jibbering wreck God rest her little soul so I try to keep mine topped up and the next best method to injections is orally as the mouth is very vascular therefore helps us absorb it into the blood stream quickly x
  • Posted

    Jayne, I was the same way! My husband would swear he could tell by my expression or even my voice on the phone that my mood just nose-dived. I hated those mood swings! I never wanted to make plans because I never knew if I was going to be the social butterfly that wanted to chit chat to everyone around me or a homocidal/suicidal paranoid with hysterical tears! lol I tried so many herbals and lifestyle changes, but not much changed. I also tried waiting it out for 7-8 years. None of those things worked. So I broke down and tried bioidentical hrt and I feel 30 again! (I'm almost 49) It's helped me mentally which is the most important of course. It's also helping me physically too. I can see positive changes in my skin and I've lost that horrible bloat! ugh! The dr.s started me on antidepressants a long time ago and now that I'm on hrt I believe I'll be able to slowly wean myself off them. Good luck on whatever route you decide to take!
    • Posted

      Omg I could have written that, thank you, I think I had made my mind up last night from reading comments here but you have just cemented it for me, I turn 50 in June and I want to be the happy go lucky person my partner fell in love with again... I just let him read your reply, I think you gave him reassurance too.. Maybe more of us need to let partners read these comments then they see we aren't the only ones and the see there is hope!!! Thank you x
    • Posted

      well thats the doctors app made, reading everyones comments and posts last night has decided me, just hope she says i am ready for this as she keeps trying to tell me im not there yet (i have a coil so its difficult to get an exact reading apparently from the blood tests - i think my partner may argue that point though)!!   i did smile at the part about your husband knowing you had nose-dived, i hear my partners voice drop when he hears me, he knows and he knows it could last an hour or days!  feel like there may be some sun on the horizon now.. fingers crossed. x


    • Posted

      Hi Jayne, just read your discussion; I think i may be in peri phase as well (45 next month) for last 18mths been having very irregular light bleeding random-no cycle. on depo injection for contraceptive 2nd time round since dec 12, never had any problems. now last 4 or 5mths accompanied by headaches, cramps, lower backache, anxiety/agitation & nose diving moods & tearfulness for several days at a time completely randomly out of blue. i can then be my normal happy calm self few days later! my doc & i increased my antidepressants so i didnt have a complete spur of moment meltdown & feel unable to go to work. this has helped a bit but doesnt override it completely. i have not bled at all now for 4wks which is longest break for a while. i've had transvaginal ultrasound in sept which showed womb lining a bit thicker than it should be 5.7mm, but gp not worried as not hugely thickened, but nothing else showed. i truly think the moods, anxiousness & physical symptoms are all hormone related as nothing else in my life to trouble me at present! she prescribed me evorel sequi hrt patches a few weeks ago which i havent tried as i read about hrt after i last saw her & am too damned scared to use them because of the serious health problems they can cause!! i have always avoided oestrogen based contraception as i am about 1.5stone overweight & alas, a smoker. it just feels like the progesterone only injection i have is not strong enough anymore as i am getting irreg bleeding & physical/mental symptoms. i have never ever had this on both times on the depo injection(1st round on it for 7yrs, 2nd round since dec12). i see gp tomorrow & was thinking of asking her for something with higher progesterone in (logically thinking). any comments/ advice Jayne would be welcome. x
    • Posted

      Hi LooLoo, i think i have got to the stage where i cant stand the mood swings any longer, like you i can be happy as larry one min and down in the depths the next which can last for days - i am waiting for my doctor to call me back re hrt, i think this is my only option now as i don't want to just increase the anti depressents again and again as they will only mask the downs and not help with the other symptoms, i believe hrt has come on so far now that the risks are outweighed by the pro's....  will let you know how i get on but its so reassuring to talk to others out there who feel the same, i was feeling like a pathetic freak - never believed in anti depressents and 'being down'..... !


    • Posted

      Jayne, Oh, I hope you have the best of the best results with hrt! we all deserve to be happy and whole again! Not just for ourselves,  but our partners, children, and even communities are blessed when they have healthy, happy

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