Morning anxiety
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does anyone else wake up body feels like shaking and nervous sweating and panic feeling? I dont usually wake up like this but iam a fee days from my period do you think that is what it is? I woke up at 4 sweating and shaking heart racing then at 530 shaking as well and panicking wanting to cry
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pam90720 christina81747
me me me!!!!
in fact, i just posted something about it..
i hate it
hopeforever pam90720
Hello Pam how are you ? I assume coping like all of us
hopeforever christina81747
Yes i am going through it right now. I have been up since 5 am with racing heart , shaking and very bad anxiety. I was praying to see the sun rise because living alone it scares me when there is total darkness outside and these panic and anxiety racing heart comes on. My period was complete 2 days ago. yesterday i was fine but God help me today. Drink plenty of water and do breathing exercises and pray that this thing leaves the body. I never in a million years knew that hormones could have such an effect on a woman's overall well being. Why were we not educated so we all could of been prepared. I would take natural childbirth over this 3 times over . At least you know it would be over but only God knows how many years i have to live with this. Hoping you have a good day and the rest of the ladies. Hugs
christina81747 hopeforever
i keep getting rushes of heat and body so tense do u get that like you feel like something really badbwill happen to you and unjust want to cry i am alone all day too my kids in school and i try to hidebit from them when it happens but then it gets more overwhelming from holding it back ughh i have had no appetite since yesterday i feel so angry i try to tell myself we have control over ourselves no matter what and when people say control it its like okay u cant control hormones really!!! i think we have to realize what we get scared of cant actually happen its just anxiety i wish that did it for me!!!!
hopeforever christina81747
yes Christina i do get rushes of heat and doom feelings. If your body feels like crying just cry let it out. I find that it helps.Just do it when the kids are not around . Give your body what it needs. I learned not to fight it. If i feel tired i rest, if i want to cry i cry. My racing heart and anxiety has calmed down since this morning. I am just feeling tired and weak in legs and arms. I will take it slow today and not let any stress in. We have to keep in mind that it is all hormones and nothing will happen to us. Mind over matter.
ampat1 christina81747
ditto. I am having all these symptoms and feel exactly the same. I am crying as I write this. I woke up anxiety, nervousness and body ache. At 39, I feel like I am more like 60 or 70. why can't these hormones make us happy and energetic, why does it have to be this awful??? I also try to hide my pain from my young kids but it's unbearable at times, I just want to cry. I do take my vitamins, drink plenty of water and try to exercise. let's pray this phase passes soon.
christina81747 ampat1
im right there with you! all day so far i just feel like bursting crying and i hold it and it makes it worst i end up focusing on it and thinking will this go away and then i fear it wont which makes it worst then im like what hapoensnif i cant control it ughh i know its just anxiety but my brain thinks im losing it even though i know im not! IMm not like this all the time my period is coming and it just hit me like a wall that it feels like i have no control ughh its tiring!! HUGS TO YOU!!!
nanc00951 christina81747
The morning's are the worst.
I wake up and want to go right to crying.
When I wake up in the middle of the night, I get a rush of anxiety come over me.
I am 56, unfortunately spotted a few months back, so I had to start counting over.
I have had multitude of symptoms, with the emotional ones (and anxiety) being the worst.
Like yesterday I had a terrible wakeup in the morning, wanting to cry and feeling like I could not do anything.
I would assume the crying is the hormonal rollercoaster we are on????
christina81747 nanc00951
it sucks im home trying to work and all i can think about is how i feel worrying that i wont go away it i will die lol!!! i was fine two days ago now i feel out of sorts unrelaxed crazy person who thinks i have mental problems the i feel angry about it. i know its hormones and i try to holdnit in thr emotions all the time which prob intensifies it all! im due in a few days for period not that its regular
nanc00951 christina81747
I do not get periods anymore, just that spotting and havent had any since. So I do not know, while I am feeling bad, when I will feel better. I do feel okay some (very few) days and others I am a MESS.
sabrina68781 nanc00951
Posted you feel nipple pain?
staci88515 christina81747
I absolutely did. It started when all my other symptoms started, but it subsided. I was good for a few months, but now my symptoms are returning.
lori93950 christina81747
wake up with sense of doom !!! its awful like the worst depression and black cloud youve ever had .
my running used to help me so much but since having ebv mono i cant work out .