Morning blues
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HI ladies,
the last 3 mornings im waking up burning up which last for quite some time,, clamy hands, dry mouth , and heart beating slightly fast but not as bad as weeks before.
i feel as i have the flu, anyone else get these symptons?
feel a little sick to my stomach too
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Guest llotenz55
hi llotenze, are you close to getting your period? I get flu ish symptoms when mine due (whether or not it actually comes) unless you have no fever along with vomiting, body aches and chills, etc...I would blame PMS. Take your temp and keep hydrated just in case!
sorry, should have said "a fever"
Theeamazon llotenz55
it sounds like me the week before my period and after my period. i feel that way even if i don't get a period. i call them phantom periods because i get all the same symptoms but no period.
thanks ladies, havent had a period since 10/6 so it should be due but dont have any cramps just nauseau
It has been over 10 months without having an actual period but I have noticed I still get PMS like symptoms each month that feel rather flu like. Have been drinking decaf. tea to help calm the nausea and resting as much as possible which seems to help. Also eating a lighter diet but I notice I still get sweet or salty cravings which are hard to ignore.
Kim1971 llotenz55
Hi yes I get this alot it's awfull and so nearly sick with it. Really affects my sleep pattern. Don't know how to to stop it but I'm going doctors Wednesday about hrtpatches so hoping they help x