Morning Weepiness Advice
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Does anyone have advice for the mornings and the weepiness that cones along with them?
it is so hard to get started while feeling so down
I have a constant anxiety and this horrible weepy mornings
THANKS in advance for any help
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Sassyr12a nanc00951
Seratonin is at its lowest in the morning and so its quite common to feel that way unfortunately. Cortisol is at its highest and so sometimes that can make others really anxious. My advice is to do something active, first thing before you do anything else. It helps to get outside and start with a walk, cycle or a run if you're able or if not some yoga or meditation. It made a massive difference to me. Chin up love xx
nanc00951 Sassyr12a
Thank you for your reply.
I have now been up for a few hours and am having a hard time today
I do see a therapist
My GP also prescribed antidepressants which I have not yet started
Unfortunately I may no have a choice
I was trying hard to avoid going on them
Sassyr12a nanc00951
Hey nanc
It's whatever works best for you. I had more of the anxiety and hrt has helped. I was also really reluctant to try anti depressants... It seemed so unfair! I didnt feel mad or depressed, just hormonal and unbalanced. I did try eventually but they weren't for me but lots and lots of ladies find them helpful. I also try to try other things hypnosis, homeopathy and acupuncture, and they all help to keep things ticking over xx
hopeforever nanc00951
Hello Sassy. If you can please avoid the antidepressants. I had a friend take them and it made her feel worse. Even gave her suicidal thoughts and a feeling of being a zombie. She quickly came off of them. Sometimes these doctors think they are doing good when they are doing more harm. I am new to this Peri menopause and what i am finding out is that i have to fight. Fight like never before. Get to know this new body and give it what it needs. Try peppermint tea in the mornings. It is good for moods. Happy moods. Prayer/meditation and stretches. Drink water, its so important. If you can make a smoothy with 1 banana, spinach, blueberries, almond milk or coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of flax seeds. Think of the things that made you happy as a child and try to incorporate those things in your lifestyle. I know its hard, we women on this forum are all in the same boat trying to figure out this mess. Know that you are not alone and we are here for you. Try to have your best day. Because the day was given by God for you to be happy. Hugs to you.
nanc00951 Sassyr12a
HRT worked for you? My GYN did suggest it or the antidepressant
nanc00951 Sassyr12a
And I also have straight up anxiety
So I need to figure out what will work best
I have a GP apt tomorrow
I meant to say Hi Nanc00951. Sassy you can enjoy and take to heart the message too.
nanc00951 hopeforever
Hi I 100% am trying to avoid the antidepressants But I feel like I am at a point where I dont know what to do or where to turn I am talking to a therapist
Again I was offered HrT and the antidepressant , with more than one doctor thinking I needed something
hopeforever nanc00951
Try to find something that makes you naturally happy. Drugs may work for others but not everyone. I personally swear them off although i was offered too. It's hard. But i personally refuse after seeing what they did to others. Some being here to tell their story and some not.
claire38123 nanc00951
Try to do something nice for yourself i began with peri menopausal anxiety in jan this year i woke up at 3am having a panic attack and it just got worse from then on with menopause symptoms back and forth to the gp every week sometimes twice a week felt like an idiot couldnt cope with how i was feeling even had 8 weeks off work i use to just get so wound up with family ,husband and 2 grown up boys 21 & 23 still at home for no reason 1 night i had a melt down over cooking dinner were i sat and sobbed for 3 hrs straight and any slight comment of any of them left me in tears,its been 4 months now and i never took the antidepressants the gp gave me i just sit and colour or do some art work or watch something good on tv or just sit in the garden and smile that its all hormones i know for some its easier said than done but iv managed to get my self out of the worse now its been a while since i was woke up with a pounding heart or broke down in floods of tears and i think its a lot to do with reading other posts on this site and knowing your not alone in this crappy stage of life they like to call the menopause , so lovely pour yourself a large glass of wine and lay in a nice hot bubble bath or sit in the garden and listen to the birds mindfulness really does do wonders big hugs to you xx
nanc00951 claire38123
Thank you so much for these words
I am still in the state I was from when I awoke this morning
You are right that its hormones causing this and we have to help ourselves
I am just sitting here wishing I had someone to just cry to right now
Sassyr12a nanc00951
That's okay nanc, don't give yourself a hard time about what you should/shouldn't be doing. You wanna cry today, carry on. Then later dust yourself off have a nice bath, take Claires advice and be kind to yourself and try again tomorrow xx
nanc00951 Sassyr12a
Thank you all for being so nice today
I am having a really bad day
rebecca_68782 nanc00951
Hi, hope your days have been better. I have days like this too, but for a while 2 years ago, it was everyday, anxiety and sadness. I read a book on meditative talks to yourself. Every morning I did a meditative walk as soon as I got out of bed. It helped. I still do it a couple times a week. Good luck and know you are not alone in this......peri.