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Anyone else feel totally rubbish in the mornings?.... It takes me most of the morning to start feeling 'normal' whatever that is as I don't know anymore 😔 by lunch time or later I am just about feign better then by evening I can do everything! Mornings are terrible, would lovet I get back into the work force it's been 3 years now and it's been a roller coaster to say the least as you ladies all know. I watch everyone's else getting on and earning and enjoying, then there's me 😡... Such a rotten time this will it ever end!

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Trevis,

    Mornings are a bit different right now but I find (I am still working) on the days I do have to work, I really have to push and make myself move to get going. Those are better days than if I am off and allow myself to just sit. Uggh....For me it's the worst thing to do. For sure the day will be shot.  

    I have to force myself to get into the shower and start the day. While I'm not bouncing around like a spring chicken, (I guess I'm not anymore, but didn't plan on feeling so "old"!) but I do feel better than if I were to simply do nothing. 

    You say you are watching everyone else get really don't know how they are really feeling. I am sure my co-workers have no idea what I have been feeling like on and off for almost past 2 yrs.  So no need to feel so down on yourself, this is your time to adjust to change and when you are ready, you'll get back out there. Sometimes we just need to push ourselves a bit to get going. And once you get going, usually it is not so bad and turns out better than anticipated.

    I do understand what you are saying. It is a bit of a rotten time but it does end! 

    Annie xx


    • Posted

      Thank you Annie xx. I do keep very busy but it's just the first half of the day is such a struggle at times. Feeling exhausted & frustrated about feeling exhausted. I have never been lazy & always busy so it's hard to adjust. 😊
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      Same here, I used to be really high energy, this is something that is hard to get used to. I read below where you also have no energy to exercise. I have recumbent bike and a teeter-type hang up waiting for me, not sure why I walk pass them these days but I do. I know it would make most likely make me feel way better but somehow I bypass them for now. Silly isn't it? 

      I just watched 2 ladies pass by my house (around my age) on their daily walk! Ughhhh............I hope once I get past this bilateral plantars faciitis nonsense, I can get moving again. That issue I was told may be from hypothyroidism and I am not yet at the therapeutic level of meds yet. It's a slow build to make sure no cardiac issues arise. 

      Do take care Trevis and again.......go easy on yourself, we all navigate through this at different paces.rolleyes

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Annie... I hope all goes well for you too, take care lovely to chat 💕😊xx
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    I am this way. I feel run down in the morning need more sleep by afternoon I am fine and evening too. I feel aful today did not sleep to good last night was up half the night crying 
    • Posted

      Aww Susan I'm sorry you feel this way too.... Sleepless nights are exhausting, I would not take a job yet just because I don't want to let people down anymore, because a feel so awful when I get up in the morning. I was on a roll for a while and thought great I'm getting there but these last few weeks have been a struggle I have to say why oh why!!!! Xx
    • Posted

      Tell me about it. It is a struggle at times in the morning when you don't have a good nights sleep and you have to be up early. 
  • Posted

    Hello all, I keep saying to my husband 'why does no-one talk about the menopause, it's like a secret of suffering' and then I came along and tell everyone, out of desperation 'I don't sleep you know, menopause!' I have now gone on HRT as feel it's the right thing for me after a really bad year, I have been found to have Osteopenia which could lead to Oesteoporosis, my mum had it and HRT benefits this. I have been on it for just less than a week so fingers crossed.... in the meantime I am looking into different things to take when I have to come off as they will only give me for a short term and I had to insist! The next life  I am coming back as a man! When you don't work, it easy to get pulled down by the menopause, I force myself to go on the treadmill and lift some weights, it makes me feel better so to be diagnosed with Osteopenia was unexpected but, only just on the borderline. So, ladies keep taking your calcium xx Mornings have got better this last few days!
    • Posted

      Hi Becky... Yes I bought a treadmill and was doing great but recently let it go just felt drained. I am going to make a real effort to get back on it as I have always exercised but feeling so exhausted it can be hard to get motivated 😳 my doc was against HRT but I got it for 8 weeks after begging and felt awful on it so stopped. ( I think more to do with the fear she installed in me about it) Docs know nothing about Menopause unless they themselves have been through it. I too have said the same thing to my husband who has been amazing btw! Why does no one talk openly about this awful time we have to go through ... Thank you x
    • Posted

      Hi Travis, do you take anything for the sleeping? It's a terrible time and I am most affected by the 'no sleeping' it's too early for me to say about the HRT, I kept putting it off but, then decided I needed a life back so would try it short-term. I find the herbal sleeping tabs don't work, sleeping tabs make you feel even more depressed so gave those amiss and now take natural drops but, hopefully will be able to wean myself off them if HRT works. We are lucky to have support from our hubbies 👍 xx I live in Italy and it is a taboo topic in the south, more people in the north take HRT, no-one discusses the menopause.... I took Menopace night which were fab, stopped the hot flushes, it's just the lack of sleep I can't cope with x Sending strength
    • Posted

      Aww thank you so much for replying Becky. I don't take anything for sleep, sometimes I sleep & sometimes I don't, I can't work having gave up a career & also a p/t job as moo be understood as they could not see the symptoms. I am at home full time now and have been for nearly 3 years. I feel ashamed not working as I always have. I am clever & capable of so much more but unable to commit to much at the moment. It's totally rubbish and feel like Ibketceveryone down do I no longer plan anything or organise to go anywhere unless I'm having a good day or weekend which is rare but better than most ladies on here. I'm quite happy at home for now as I don't need to impress anybody when feeling rubbish so I just struggle through. I'm in setraline for anxiety which is caused through all the imbalance I have had for years and the many other symptoms, I really don't have anything to complain about except the menopause so as far as feeling depressed it's just not the case as many would think! Like the doctor .... They just haven't a clue! Xxx
  • Posted

    Please don't feel ashamed not working, the menopause is so mis-understood by many. Some people breeze through it and then others experience really bad symptons, I am not sure that all docs get it. Take care xx
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    I also have a real tuff time in the morning.  Takes a while to wake up and then I hurt all over.  I sit very still in a darkened room after taking meds. and wail until I am stable enough to get a cup of coffee otherwise I drop things.


  • Posted

    Hi Travis ,I've not been on here for a wee bit ,Im worse in mornings  get up washed out .Drives you nuts ,I've thought a good tonic ,like my old mums generation use to take for meno ,may just help ,have you still got the balance going now ? Not seen Darren come up for past couple months hope he's okay ,told him his was hormones Bless him .

      This just goes on and on and on ,it's relentless  see the ladies still on here from last year .Proves it's not a quick fix meno .xx

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene.... 😊 I had been doing quite good up till about 10 days ago when the imbalance hit & its still with me today 😡.... Going to a christening this weekend away over night with hubby was looking forward to it but not so sure now this has put a downer on the weekend but I'm still going I'm sick of not going anywhere. My ears are bothering me too over the last few days & the weather is abysmal for May, haven't been able to get much done through this entire month we need that sunshine!!!! VitD!!! How you doing yourself lately? 💕😊
    • Posted

      Hi Trevis ,had bit of a hassle getting back on to Patient ,as I've been off for few weeks,husband finally had to do it for me in the end ,just PM'd Darren ,he's doing better .Anne still not great .

         Don't know what it is about mornings ,is it the adrenal glands sluggish doing it ,then I notice the tinnitus ,then the anxiety decides I'll jump on the band wagon ,make her day ?

        Even having tinnitus I always slept well ,but past few months ,that's gone pear shaped ,I'm still up at 4am ,then wonder why I'm sluggish later ? 

         With the balance being a big deal ,I don't go far from home ,okay driving ,the Mdds ,don't affect it ,just trying to walk with this swaying going on ,that's the pits .

      Hope the couple days go okay  spoils your enjoyment this buisness .No answer to it .Lets know how those days went ,hope not to much travelling involved .

        Weather hope picks up ,first day of Summer on Monday ,😊

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