Mornings are so awful!! 😞
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Hi ladies
Could do with some kind words as as feel so awful in mornings, this damn anxiety getting worse and mornings are awful, wake early can't go back sleep crying hands shaking. I had ring in sick yest as couldn't face work got to try and get in at docs tomoz for blood results and c if will sign me off for bit as work and financial uncertainty making me worse 😞
2 likes, 19 replies
Sassyr12a sarah05599
Hi sarah
Sorry you feel so pants today, done time off will definitely help. I feel exactly the same, was just saying to my sister! If you can, get dressed, get out and walk! Seems to help burn some of the tension in the morning but in the meantime you're not alone, be kind to yourself today and believe that this will pass I promise xx
tawana68 sarah05599
I find sometimes nice music or just a good chat helps but honestly I think most of us ladies can relate to what your experiencing . Your not alone .
I’m 49 and gonna be 50 in November and have I think every possible peri and menopause symptom there is to have . I keep faith that one day and hopefully soon my body will start to adjust to all the hormone changes . Before I found this website I didn’t realize how many of us woman go through all this stuff but since then I try to come on here and read what other woman are going through , some have worse symptoms , some have easier ones but we’re all kinda having our own little battles with our bodies that each day we get up to face . Just know this will get better and always keep hope . Drinks lots of water and also eat lots of green veggies . I find spinach actually helps me some believe it or not . Weird I know , but it does help if I eat it at least 3 times a week .Â
Smile and know we’re all in this together. I often say that’s why men couldn’t be bearers of children or have a monthly cycle cause they aren’t as strong as what us woman have to be and they couldn’t handle it I’m sure . So hang in there honey , your stronger then ya know and it will get better . Hugs from Canada .
Thanks ladies ?? I'm gradually starting to feel bit better as I'm trying to keep busy, think having an 8 month pup helps take my mind of it a bit as she licks my face in morn like come on get up I need a walk lol so going out for a walk in bit.
It's the negative thoughts that throw you to worrying about everything, the future going to docs money I'm trying to just get through each day but it's so hard. This site really helps though all you lovely ladies take care to and hope you all find relief to.
angieB48 sarah05599
CarolKelso angieB48
2chr2015 angieB48
sarah05599 angieB48
Thanks Angie, it's so true everything you've said and yes warmth from the sun defo helps. Hugs to all you ladies 🤗 ??
CarolKelso sarah05599
Hi Sarah... I can so sympathise. I was awake at 3pm this morning as couldn't get back to sleep... Woke up with awful gurgling tummy and running to.the loo as soon awake with awful neasua... I'm. So fed up with it now and it brings anxiouity... All i think is that I have bowl cancer when it's simply ibs but makes you feel lousy... It never ends... You are not alone.. CK
Brittay123 sarah05599
Guest sarah05599
Hiya I sometimes get bad anxiety plus my imagination can run riot with me if my hubby says something sometimes I take it to personally for a couple of split seconds I felt I may as well not be here then told myself off very sternly hehe went to the doctors explained how I felt she put my on fluxcotine 20 mg I a day must say it has helped I don't feel so crazy in myself yep I do get a bit of anxiety but if I feel like I'm getting wound up which is usually my head playing tricks on me I talk to myself in my head to stop being silly I've done this job a thousand times I'm fine it usually helps
don't want to ask personal questions are you still having periods you could be starting the menopause that can mess your emotions up
hope you get to feel better very soon hugs sent 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
sarah05599 Guest
Hey, yes I am still having periods but they are earlier and last longer. I used to be as regular as clockwork for most of my life till peri hit 3 years ago. I'm 50 btw.
pam90720 sarah05599
Hi Sarah.. I'm very sorry you are going through this ?? I do it too, every morning... hang in there... hugs to you 🙏💕
sarah05599 pam90720
Thanks Pam for your kind words. Hugs to you to 🤗??
Hi ladies, I returned from walking the dog in the glorious weather we r having here in UK feeling slightly better then opened a letter I received from docs saying following your recent blood test a doc has seen the results and would like you to make an appointment, I was due to ring them tomorrow to see a doc, does this mean it's something bad as never had a letter before. I'm panicking right now 😞
CarolKelso sarah05599
Hi Sarah.... It could be anything... Our minds go all over the place so wait and see... Let us know how I goes and remember worrying won't change a thing. I know it's easier.. My guts are in turmoil today and I've decided not to worry as I know they will calm down if I will... Let me know how you get on... 🙏💗
juanita93228 sarah05599
Hi Sarah, try not to panic. I know it's hard because every time I go to the doctor I'm afraid they will find something. Since it was a letter, it may just be something they need to talk to you about. If it were something more surely they would have called you and had you come in immediately I hope. I know during this time in our lives when health anxiety is through the roof the last thing we need is a letter or a call from the doctor after a visit. Pray and remain faithful that it's nothing serious. Every time I go to the doctor and get a good report, I thank God, because it's really not the doctor that's giving you the good news it's God letting you know he's keeping you healthy and watching over you. Trust in him. It's hard I know(especially with menopause brain), but if it were easy everybody would do it. Sometimes I think God uses this time in our lives to pull us closer to him. I'm closer to him, but it's a battle as I try to get closer because the devil is busy. Breathe and relax in God's presence, all will be well. (((((hugs))))