Moving in Slow Motion
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Let me start by saying I love my Fitbit! I get mentally ill when anything happens to it. Seriously, I do! So, when my Fitbit said, "Don't you think it's time to increase your daily step goal?" I readily accepted the challenge and stepped up to a whopping 11,500 steps. I work as a teacher....a first grade teacher, so making my goal on a daily basis was no problem, even without exercise. Enough of the back story. Lately, that goal is laughable, My legs feel like lead and like I've been exercising. Ha! My body has all kinds of aches and I have a general feeling of just not feeling well. My cycle is doing some weird stuff, too. Went to the doctor and after the whole hospital had to evacuate because of a fire alarm, I was able to see the doctor. Discovered that I have new fibroids that have grown in my uterus as well as a growth that is growing inside my uterine wall that I have to have a biopsy on that I've been waiting too weeks to have! Did I mention that I've always had high anxiety?!!!! I am worried half out of my mind while trying not to worry about what they're going to discover. I have been living on aspirin to control the general feeling of disease I feel. Nothing really hurts, it's just a discomfort everywhere that makes me feel like I'm moving in slow motion, which my Fitbit can attest to. I look at it now and think, "Seriously, I only walked that few of steps:" I know my story is a wild one, but if anyone has anything similar they can share that may possibly let me know all is not lost, I would be extremely grateful.
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lynda20916 cindy35393
Hi Cindy,
Sorry to learn you're going through this. I think it's wise that you went and saw your doctor. I don't think that all is lost, but I do think it's time for what's going on with you to be addressed.
Have you been given an appointment to have your biopsy performed? xx
cindy35393 lynda20916
Thank you for your encouraging words. 😊 My appointment for the biopsy is on Monday, so I hope the news will be tolerable. Glad to have found this site. Thank you again.
lynda20916 cindy35393
DaisyDaze cindy35393
I had fibroids too. They shrunk when I went on the pill at age 35. They shrunk even more after menopause. I recently had a sono hystogram and there were no signs of fibroids. I'm 57 now. They did find polyps, but that's a whole different issue. Had a biopsy too.
None of these things made me tired, but I certainly am not as active as I used to be at 40! I definitely slowed down (kind of "babied" myself) so that I did not end up sore or in pain! I think it's normal for us to slow down, and certainly admire those who keep up the activity! I'm going to try again...
elizabeth46434 cindy35393
You're not the only one. I feel generally unwell most days. I'm tired all the time even if I've slept all night. Some days it takes all my will power to get out of bed. I can be sat having a coffee and my eyes will start closing, there's very little I can do. Yes, my legs feel like I've run a marathon and a few days ago I thought I was coming down with the flu as I ached all over. I feel guilty all the time as I can't do anything and my husband doesn't understand. I think he believes I'm just being lazy - I wish! At least I know I'm not the only one and everything crossed one day soon the symptoms will pass. Try not to be so hard on yourself.