Mr Tin Man update!
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Hello ladies
Just an update on my Mr Tin Man status, if you remember me writing about stiff painful joints (especially in mornings) well the magnesium has worked a treat, even night leg cramps are better, I thought I would post this as I noticed some ladies complaining of muscle and joint pain! X
3 likes, 11 replies
sue58256 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy sue58256
Dear Sue,
Yes i cook with tumeric and black pepper, plus i read somewhere to add olive oil to get it working, I didn't realise it helped joints, I just read how good in general it was for you, so thanks for that x
DearDoe pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy DearDoe
Fairy28 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Fairy28
maisie05 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy maisie05
I hope it works for you like it did me xx
bobbysgirl pinkcatfairy
What type of Magnesium are you taking? I've tried Mag Oxide and am now on Mag Malate and have yet to see much benefit in the 'Tin Man' dept! Joints are SO painful in the morning.
debbie89422 pinkcatfairy
looloo43 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy. Thankyou for sharing that tip with us. I had a steroid injection in my hip in april for what they think is trochanteric hip bursitis which causes pain in my right calf/knee only during the night in bed!! It still hurts in my calf/knee at night but not as regular as before injection. it is like deep bone pain. i may try the magnesium, but dont want to take any more tablets as i'm on alot of meds at present. I heard there is a magnesium spray - does anyone know where you can get it from? (might be better for me to try a spray, as i have a colitis flare at present so dont want to take anymore tablets that may possibly interfer with colitis/meds) thankyou again. xxx