Multiple symptoms. Sometimes we need to vent, right?
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Hi, My name is Kelly and I am 51. I have been a member of Menopause conservatively 6 years. I have graduated from peri to post about 2 years ago. Somehow I didn't get my pin for graduating. lol.
I have posted on this site before and I have tried to help posters also because this menopause (post and peri) is a scary, stressful and at times lonely affliction.
Definition of affliction: something that causes pain and suffering.
I have pain and I am suffering. Some days are better than others. I never know what the day will bring. This week as been absolute hell.
To start, I had a skin infection on my upper groin pubic area on left side. Think ingrown hair/boil like. It sat just under the skin and caused me a lot of grief off and on for more than a month. I had it lanced last Sunday and packed with gauze. It isn't that big but AHHH. Not enough numbing. I felt it all- minus the scalpel (thankfully.) It is clearing up nicely. Doc put me on a sulpha antibiotic 2x a day for 10 days. I have taken it right on time. I also take BP meds and a statin. Not really a fan of the antibiotics or post-menopause. I live in FL and can't go out in the sun for any length of time while on med. So I have to direct my hubby on yard work. My neighbors see me out and they go inside. Sigh. I don't want to be a she devil really. I am hurting and scared and worrying and miserable. It makes me snap at my husband (married over 26 years). He can help it he is a guy and has no clue. 😃 I just don't have the patience anymore.
I have nausea and left breast soreness, now I feel like I pulled some weird muscle in my chest wall on my right side. I have a stiff neck I also have a weird pain/pull feeling really low on my right side groin area. My back is killing me, I have a wee bit of a fever. 99.4
I feel like someone ran over me with a hormone truck. That horrible doubting little voice says. "What if it isn't hormones? What if it is cancer/tumor/ incurable things? What if I am the freak and no one else feels this way? What if you never feel better" I really hate that voice especially when I don't feel even remotely human. I am living my pain and suffering. My neck, my back, my side, my chest, and my groin area. I can barely function. I have a Dr appt tomorrow for left breast pain. So much more is attacking me now. She is going to think I am a mess .I want to feel better. I want my mom because she always made me feel better, but she lives several states from me and has dementia now. 😦
My husband doesn't know what to do with me. Ugh. I don't know what to do with me either.
I step down from my venting soapbox. Thank you.
Wishing you all normal hormones and beautiful days and night. XX
5 likes, 6 replies
Edell7329 Keljo48
Vent all you want!! i have heard that voice many times!! you are not alone!! Hugs to you❤
katyD211 Keljo48
hugs...just know we understand...totally. Prayers for better days soon.
Yellow88 Keljo48
Make sure you are getting all the vitamins you need esp vit B and magnesuim. i know it sounds basic and simple but sometimes they really help. Hang on in there girl, thinking of you.
Be kind to your hubby, well done 26 years is an achievement and he's probably worried about you. Hug him close.
claire38123 Keljo48
big hugs to you iam still in peri at 46 my hubby of 20 years is amazing and is riding this rocky road with me, i think iam dying most days always have a dizzy head ,aches and pains, palpitations high bp and feel crap all the time so this site is amazing for support and advice so treat yourself nicely and have some me time and lets all hope and pray one day soon we wake up feeling some what normal xx
crystals51917 Keljo48
VENT! You are not a freak. I'm 52 and experience some of the same symptoms. Been nausea for 2 days with low appetite, lack of sleep, no libido, left knee pain stiff neck, lower back ache and depressed because of all this mess. Some days are better than others. I WISH AND PRAY for more better. This peri, meno, post or ANYTHING associated with menopause SUCKS! All we have is each other and JESUS CHRIST to see us through! I pray for healing for all of us. SENDING much love to you. X
Thank you, ladies you are all so wonderfully strong and supportive women. Bless you!
Well I spent last night in the ER. The chest pain became so bad it was easily a 12 on the scale of 1-10. After having an X-ray, multiple blood works, a EKG and a CT Scan to check for blood clots. It is most likely a chest wall strain. I don't know how I did it. I woke up yesterday with a sore chest and it only grew worse by the middle of the day. They put two bags of fluid in me and an IV pain med (which helped a lot). My BP and vitals all remain good all through. My temp was still 99.2. I still have my appt with my Dr today. And yes as annoying as my hubby can be, he can be an awesome guy too. We can be very Fred and Ethyl (from I love Lucy for those who don't know.)lol. That comes from 30 years of being together and 26 years of marriage. 20 of those as a Marine Corps wife. We spend an inordinate amount of time together. So we can get on each others nerves.
I read him my post last night and what did I do? I sobbed. All of the accumulated stress of the week and pain and the long ER visit-he by my side. I ugly cried in the car on the way home. Ouching the whole time because it made my chest hurt. lol I take 800 mg of ibuprofen for the pain which is extremely painful with any movement. I hope this heals up soon.