muscle aches

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Hello all,

I don't know if anyone else ever experienced this but I am not sick but just have muscle aches all over randomly. I'll get achy in my hands and feet. Then the next day I'll have aches in my legs and arms. I feel like a hyprochrondriac beacuse I don't have  a fever but just generally feel unwell. Can this be related to hormones?

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32 Replies

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    Yep I have the leg aches terrible at times

    Like you overdone exercise n strained muscles but burning type pain

    My feet were terrible back in November

    Then my back n in February I was struck down for some reason with excruitiating pain in both my knees causing me to not be able to walk without hanging onto anything having to lean against the work top in the kitchen even crawled at some point horrendous

    At present I feel I have no energy my legs feel like they can't take my weight ( I've lost 3.5stone) sine dec n feel dreadful

    I've just had 1 week ago an arthoroscopy to my left knee n I'm hoping it's going to help but I have this nagging doubt it won't I'm in great deal of discomfort trying to get meself going n to get bk to how I was

    Hope yu feel better soon xx

  • Posted

    Hi Dane, 

    i know exactly what you're talking about! I get aches on and off too. Right now it's lower back pain but sometimes all my joints ache. My heating pad has become my best friend! It's horrible, I know,  but yes it definitely can be hormone and menopausal related!  We all think menopause is Hot Flashes, weight gain and no periods! Then all of a sudden all these strange symptoms hit that no one ever told us about!! Ugh!! Hang in there!!! We're all here to help each other through it!!

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    Dane have you considered going to a neurologist??  I have Fibromyalgia.  I was dx with it back in 1992.  Just a thought.
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      Yes, I went to one in 2009...they tested me for fibromyaligia but said I did not have it....
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    Hi I have and do suffer badly with aches and pains like I'm totally exhausted my blood tests come back at Vit D depletion so doctor starting me on very high dose of Vit D for a week then regular daily doses of 800 mg maybe it might be worth looking into that Hun x
  • Posted

    Yes it can be hormone related or anxiety related.  It's hard to say for sure without knowing a bit more about your age, lifestyle, health history etc.

    you will know if your anxious or tense, worrying about something.

    Let us know if you need anyone to listen to you.

    Take care x

  • Posted

    Yes Dane

    mine started 18 months ago. I was taking strong painkillers daily, with minimal help.  I had many tests, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, secondary to menopause.  Acupuncture has taken the majority of my problems away, hardly need painkillers anymore.

    A very good book explaining why we get these symptoms related to oestrogen depletion "screaming to be heard" Dr Elizabeth Vliet. Incidentally 70% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are ladies of peri/menopausal age. 

    Give acupuncture a go, I haven't looked back.

    good luck


  • Posted


    I forgot to mention

    I saw my gp after 3 weeks taking HRT it made me feel nauseous anxious he took me off it n commenced me in low dose of antidepressant citalompram

    I also had further blood tests which shown my VIT D was very low n deficient I was given D3 20,000unit it capsule form 1 daily for 14 days then 1 month long term that was just over a week ago not sure if I feel any different just yet as everything else is playing a it's dreaded part on me too x

  • Posted

    Yep, sounds like hormones to me. Nobody mentioned the joint/muscle pain did they.rolleyes

    I've been reading a lot about Vit D3. It helps regulate hormones. Although, as a gardener, I am outside a lot, I know I don't get as much sun exposure as I need to make Vit D3 (coats in the winter and sunscreen in the summer) I think that we, in the West, don't have nearly enough of the stuff. So I've just started taking a supplement.

    A friend says since she started taking it her nails are growing faster and she has to 'do her roots' more often. So it's doing something!


  • Posted

    It's these dang hormones! I feel the same every now and then. Mostly aches when I get my mense and a few days after. Makes me wonder if I will feel any better or worse when I finally do menopause. I felt like a hypochondriac too coz I actually did go see my doctor for each random ache. Never could find anything causing the aches. Then I started to realize this aching had a monthly pattern. So definitely I know it has to do with my hormones.
  • Posted

    Hi I get bad muscle & bone pain, my neck back & hands. When I wake up its quite painful at times. I take Osteocare by vitabiotics, it has magnesium (Good for muscle pain) & Vit D3 (good for bone pain) these tablets have really helped with the pain level I really recomend them! Good luck
    • Posted

      Oooh Barbara

      I have deficient vitD n commenced on it 1 capsule daily fir 14 days n then I have to take 1 a month long term I've had really bad bone pain n muscle pain aswell feel like my legs not string enough to hold me up us easy way to explain along with aches n pains I have follow up appt on fri with gp I'll ask about the magnesium I was put on HRT but it gave me nausea n generally unwell so stopped for now n see how I go I was given citalompram to help with anxiety n palpations n nausea along with Zoplicone to help sleep

      However I have stopped them as after 4 I felt space out n fatigued the following day

      I've also just had an arthoroscopy on my left knee week ago today due to sudden on set of pain n becoming Im-mobile for 3-4 weeks I just hope it's going to be ok n I can get bk to work as I've been off since December bad back then onset of painful knees n legs sad I feel I've aged 20yrs in the last 5 mnths sad

    • Posted

      Hi Carol - I do feel for you, the pain just grinds you down, I was in such a bad place last year with the pain but now I take the Osteocare tablets it has been such a big relief with the pain! I do get pain but not on the scale as before. I didnt bother with the doctors, I just used Google!

      Keep us updated on how you get on! X


    • Posted

      Thanks Barbara

      I will

      Do you get osteocare from gp or do yu but it over the counter I go bk on Friday for review so will mention how I'm feeling weak leg wise n see what he can suggest in the house I'm ok hubby took me for few bits to tesco I was OMG let's get out of here I need to sit down sad

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      Hi was so nice to read that you too dont bother going to the doctors, I have been in so much pain from my fingers to my toes .Its only when you come onto places like this you know your not alone.I used to moan about periods but if I could chose between then and now,I think periods would win!!!
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      I'm the same never went to doctor just got on with it ..
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      I take 10,000 units of Vit D3 every day, I took it before all of this began so I cannot tell if it helps.  I originally began taking it for my bones as I can't takle calcium, it settles in my kidneys and gives me kidney stones.  Let us know what the arthoroscopy says about your knees.  I have a doctor that believes its all arthritis and has mentioned knee replace and I am convienced it is the hormones.  The knees fill better on HRT


    • Posted

      Hi Kathy

      I'm in lot of discomfort at min 1 week post op yesterday got physio tomorrow

      But I've been doing the exercise sheet they gave me n I ? I've done to much n then I tidied the house n went for a short walk yesterday during the night I was woken with it aching like hell n throbbing so rested as much as poss today but still aching but I've tried not take painkillers but I've had give in n take them

      I'll let you know how I go on I go bk for results n review on 29th sad

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