muscle tone

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Does anyone know how we can restore lost muscle tone due to estrogen levels declining? 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi shar

    oh i know what you mean there, I do rowing on rowing machine..

    that helps alot 😑

    excercise is the key, good diet, not that we always feel like doing it, but it is a nice feeling after 

    jay x

  • Posted

    Hi, I think I read that vitamin D, aka 'the sunshine vitamin' helps muscle strength & tone.


    • Posted

      Yes it is a good one for peri meno and post meno 

      my old doc suggested i had calcium and vit D on the onset of peri 10 years ago , for bone health ..Still take it now .. natecal which is a chewy tab containing both

      jay x

    • Posted

      Yes I do need to increase my calcium. My vitamins has vitamin Deficiency in it already. Thanks! 
  • Posted

    Hi sharcerv weight lifting is good for tone and pilates and yoga. 
  • Posted

    Greetings!  I know I keep mentioning Ensure but it really does good for me. 😍

    It even says on the bottle 'protein to help build muscle' it's the High Protein kind. Good for on the good or for missing complete meals.  My daughter and nephew drink it just for good health.  Weights and excercise are excellent too.  I try to do everything to survive.  xo

    • Posted

      OK thanks for the tip. I forgot about that kind. I usually get the kind that is good for gaining weight. But I will try this too.
  • Posted

    Yes totally agree with others. Pilates, Yoga, swimming, weight lifting, any exercise generally.  Weights are a quicker way but start off slow and light.  The Plank strengthens you in many areas but must be done correctly.  

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