Muscle twiches

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for the last week i have been experiencing muscle twiches in my arm, anybody else going through the same. i recently was diagnosed with graves disease, don,t know if its related to that. I have been googling muscle twiching and its scaring me. Please help

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    I am not sure what graves disease is, but if you are entering perimenopause or menopause, then muscle twitching is quite common.

    It is usually the lack of or lessening of estrogen that make the muscle twitch (or atleast that is what I have been told).

    Up your magnesium intake, or start taking magnesium supplements - either orally or magnesium oil spray. It really helps.

    Hang in there...

  • Posted

    i have been getting twitches in my right eye last few weeks everday all day never had it before im assuming its from stress it hormones i am 50 def in peri fun im trying not to think about it nut its hard not too right now im too busy trying to figure out why im so emotional and fustrated ughhh ! it could just be a sumptom of peri cause i get things on and off that make no sense

  • Posted

    hey I hear you I'm 51 and know I'm in peri, i too suffer with twitches I get them all over my body and they really freak me out. im currently layed in bed and having them right now

    I've had mine for ages and they are sometimes that bad that they effect my sleep, I too have googled, the worst thing I could have done as I suffer with health anxiety and I worry I have ALS. I've posted before about muscle twitching and a lot off people who suffer with anxiety have them, I think they are quite common, I do think mine seem to get worse the more I focus on them. so just know you are not alone I also know a lot of ladies in peri have them. try not to focus on them as i know it makes them worse. I know you are ok and it's all a part of this awful journey we are going through. big hugs xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for your response. It really gives me peace of mind knowing l am not alone in this. I pray everyday that this too shall pass. Hugs xx

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