Muscle twitches

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Goodmorning Ladies, I woke up this morning with a muscle jumping (twitch) on my right side , it s not in my back its right on the side not quite under the rib.

I had it on left side about two weeks ago. I googled symptoms and all kinds of diseases came up.

I just thought I'd ask if anyone else has this and how long does yours last . I read that this normally happens in legs and back when muscles are overworked but I havent done anything physically lately, google also said that calcium and magnesium defficiency can cause this. I would appreciate any info . GOD bless everyone!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Grace,

    That has been my problem too. Muscle twitching on legs, arms, sometimes my back and lately even parts of my face. They dont last long though. I just think of it as my muscle being tired. I am better off not to go on google because it really doesnt help me. Makes me more anxious. Im post meno, 2 years and 58 years old. There are so many things going on health wise that all I can do is ti pray and ask God for deliverance. Trully, I am much better now. I pray and surrender to His healing power.

    God bless.

    • Posted

      thank you Edna, Iknow I need to trust God,thank you so much.

  • Posted

    had muscle twitches for almost 2 years. it moves around. I truly believe it's caused by stress!! the less I'm stressed the less I get it. try not to Google or worry and it will get better.

  • Posted

    thanks Kelle, I will try and not stress. I took a week off from work I will use my time wisely. God bless you.

  • Posted

    thanks Kelle, I will try and not stress. I took a week off from work I will use my time wisely. God bless you.

  • Posted

    have been having twitches when the peri started. happens mainly stomach, chest muscles which is scary, and lips. less stress and hydrating yourself will help.

  • Posted

    I get these. Eye, leg, several other places. They come and go. I think the calcium magnesium I take helps me and, I agree with the fact that the are worse when you are stressed. Mine sure are.

    • Posted

      funny you mention this Rebecca, I went grocery shopping last night and walked down the vitamin aisle and thats exactly what I bought. thanks for sharing I pray that this will help.have a blessed day!

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