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Hi girls, I notice at times I can't seem to eat and have to force my food down or other wise I would loose weight at the moment I'm 9 stones and I'm scared that I can g a lot lower if I don't get my appetite back on track, anyone knows how low you can go with your weight it scary and I think I might die if it don't stop,I have list before in the beginning but it appetite came back but now I reach post I'm worried.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, I‘ve had the opposite problem in menopause due to the meds Im on, for anxiety. Struggling to lose weight! Can you pin your lack of appetite on anything? Are you stressed/anxious/down? 
    • Posted

      Could be worrying to much the crap wouldn't stop I guess, but sometimes feeling Little sick at times,but I'm baring up and have to try and eat bit more fattening things for now.

  • Posted

    I had the same thing at the begining of peri. Could not eat anything. Lost a lot of weight. Now I am better, but do not gain weight really. Some days especially after I cant sleep I cannot eat at all and have constant diarrhea.


  • Posted

    I’m the opposite . I got all my hormones results backs and they were all normal . But I’m worry a lot about me getting old or what happens when I die of I will go to another life with different people is weird. And I get ansiety and I tryi not to take my meds and my husbamd is in the Navy and he is about to go out to sea for 7 months later in the year is depressing.  

    Try to eat small meals during the day maybe fruts, protein, veggies. 

    What the doctor said? I hope you feel better and we all here. (((Hugs)))

  • Posted

    I've got this too, just feel nauseous and no appetite constantly - a bit like early pregnancy, it is horrible. Apparently it is due to the hcg hormone, which iss tryibg to stimulate the ovaries to produce more oestrogen like it does in pregnancy, I just make myself eat though all I can keep down without gagging is beige food, which isn't great x

  • Posted

    Hi maria. I did go through this. Sometimes it was with nausea and sometimes it was just no appetite. I just ate whatever i could when i did have an appetite. And i didnt really worry about if it was healthy, i was just trying to put on weight. I was skin and bones. I was scared too. That has passed. Now i just try to maintain a healthy weight. Hopefully you will get passed this stage too.
    • Posted

      Yes I'm doing the same eat anything along with some good food when I can I'm 9 stones at the moment and hoping to stay this way.

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