My crazy day

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Woke up feeling awful weird things teeth ache tongue burns in different areas sinuses are truly acting crazy not sure if this all has something to do with menopause but I've noticed my symptoms getting a bit more and more crazy am I going kookoo or does anyone ever feel the way I do this teeth thing bothers me at times I get a nasty taste but it goes and comes my tongue seems to always center right in the middle of my tongue my laft arm aches like the dickens elbows wrist this has been one crazy day for me lord I just feel alone right now

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Monique, Another woman earlier today sent almost a mirror of your email.  In my opinion, everything that is new, weird, different, crazy, is menopause.  Here's a quote I sent to her earlier today, I've been keeping it my head all day -

    “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”

    ― Maya Angelou 


  • Posted

    Hi Monique,

    You are certainly not alone. All these weird crazy feelings that you are having are the same as mines, just started for me about three months ago. I was running to the ER every other day for them to run a million test and tell me I was fine it was anxiety and I needed to talk to a psychiatrist. I left there mad, hurt, and confused. It was shortly after that my aunt told me she went through the same things and apparently so many other women in my family. It didn't make the symptoms go away but it made it a little easier to deal with. My panic attacks have gotten a little better knowing that I have this forum to vent and someone else out there understands and knows what I'm venting about. I hope you find some relief soon but please know you are not alone.

  • Posted

    You are bit not alone Monique,

    I have all you mentioned and more.

    Last few days right arm has started with the same. I hate putting my coat on!

    Now also pain in left hip.

    Woke from a crazy dream where I was stealing orange juice and was so dry and thirsty it's like everywhere in my mouth is dry and shrivelled along with up my nose so dry then suddenly decided to run like I've gota cold for half an hour then back to feeling dry and kind of stuffy again.

    I'm on HRT 8 weeks in but some of these symptoms really don't look like they are going.

    Taste in my mouth today has seen me overeating trying to replace the taste with anything chilli and lime crisps at the moment.

    Hope it helps to know at least someone is sharing your discomfort

  • Posted

    Snap this is getting me down all day I have had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth my tongue just seems to stick to the roof of my mouth and is very sore. My teeth do feel on edge aswell  it's driving me crazy. It does seem to go when you have eaten something but unless we want to put a stone in weight on what's the solution. I am due to have a deviated septrum operation because I don't breath properly through my nose so you may well ask is this all menopause symptoms wish I knew xx
  • Posted

    I've had the bunged up burning sinuses, strange taste and sometimes a bitter taste at the back of my throat that is horrible but it's hard to find something to take it off. It's so bitter and nasty and like you, it comes and then goes off. The the aches and pains, and of course being me..I freak out and the health alert starts up. It drives you crazy sometimes. It amazes me how the medical field just won't see all these symptoms and do more about it. Hope you feel better soon.
    • Posted

      Thank you hope you feel better as well there is something about menopause and teeth my teeth ache a lot and when they start taking my sinuses are blocked then I unblocked back and forth it's horrible what we go through I am now starting to have bad teeth with no dental insurance which is a major suck
  • Posted

    Hi Monique, I recall going to similar symptoms, I am now in my 6th year of hormonal changes.  WIth respect to your teeth, buy a very soft toothbrush, my dentist recommended senodyne for sensitive teeth. It worked after a few days and I've been using it since. I notice when I switch to another toothpaste after a week my teeth start to hurt again. For all my other symptoms, tongue, dry mouth, weird feelings, I recall taking don quai, as recommended by my gynecologist.  It worked to calm those symptoms. I also, took Borage oil, for some reason I responded well with it. But once I stopped taking it and tried again it didn't work so the idea is to continue taking it. Black cohosh was also recommended but you have to take it for a whole month before it starts working. One last pill i took i bought at wf, is called menopausal hot flash works really well but I would say start it early to avoid the rest of this horrible dis-ease. Now I'm going through bone pain, feelings of arthritis. which is just awful.

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