My doctor says it's not perimenopause...
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Hi all,
I'm 32 and have been having all the typical symptoms of perimenopause. I've been to my doctor several times in the last year, and been treated for different things, none of which was effective.
On my last visit, I explained that I thought I may be in perimenopause, and she agreed that my symptoms are consistent with it, but she said at my age it wouldn't be a menopause thing, it would be (I believe) early ovarian failure.
She's very dedicated to helping me figure out for sure what's been going on, and she ordered a full hormone lab work-up.
The clinic called me this morning to say my results are in, and that they want me to see another doctor to discuss them.
If my results were all normal, wouldn't they say so over the phone? Every other test I've had has come back normal and that's how it worked. So now I'm getting worried, I don't know anything about ovarian failure and I don't know what else they even could have found in my labs.
This may not be the best place to post this, but I was hoping maybe someone here has gone through something similar or knows anything more about this kind of thing?
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evi75119 cristen75330
I am 32 years old and I am already perimenopausal!
Last January, my blood tests showed a high FSH,LH and too low estradiol levels on the 3rd day of my period. I am suffering badly with severe low estrogen deficiency symptoms.
Did you see the results of your hormone blood test?
I was wondering the same with you if in our age is considered perimenopause or sth autoimmune you said early ovarian failure!
Are you still menstruating? Do you feel ovulations? I am still having regular periods but during whole month unbearable peri symptoms.
I have a weird hormonal imbalance, sth autoimmune in my case I think.
I am desperate for help...I am going to ask for HRT after an ovarian cyst surgery next month.
cristen75330 evi75119
Hi evi!
I haven't gotten to see the results yet, so I have no idea what they are. All I know is that they must have shown something, or the clinic wouldn't be scheduling me with a new doctor to go over the results with me. Unfortunately I have to wait until the 26th of this month to find out anything, as the doc they're sending me to is on vacation currently (of course).
I am still having regular periods, yes. They're generally a bit shorter than they used to be (by a day or so) but also much, much heavier. I used to have only one or two "heavy" days on my period, the rest of it being pretty normal. Now it's a heavy flow from start to finish.
And the PMS symptoms! I get horrible cramping and sore breasts for up to two weeks before I start my period. Those things used to only start happening a few days beforehand. I also am getting frequent heart palpitations that get worse when the cramping starts.
My sleep is completely erratic as well- half the time I sleep like the dead, the other half I can't get to sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning and wake up 3 hours later.
I'm sorry for all you're going through with all this- at our age, we should be supporting our mothers through THEIR menopause, not dealing with the same symptoms!
evi75119 cristen75330
you do not have to apologize! I am lucky that I found someone at my age with the same is rare to deal with this so young....
?My flow is heavy for the first two days and then normal and sometimes spotting.
About symptoms, I have everything in a severe degree, both physical and emotional...heart palpitations, insomnia, vivid dreams, joint pains, dry eyes, hypoglycemic attacks, IBS, flu like fatigue etc
?I do not have simply PMS I would said PMDD because I am becoming hysterical 2 days before my period starts, my blood sugar levels drop dramatically, no appetite and craving only for chocolate. I cannot control myself...I hate everyone! I want to hurt everyone feelings at that time without obvious reason. I am very aggressive and irritable Sometimes, I have the opposite, crying depressed and suicidal all the day.
?I am not myself anymore from many aspects. I have explained to my family what is happening to me and they know that my behavior has been affected by hormones.
?at this phase I cannot support neither myself....I am tired of this hell.
?Indeed, you have to wait until your doctor returns! Stay calm and keep me informed if you want what is happening with you.. the majority of women in this forum is going through menopause after 40's...obviously I feel like a an error of nature going through this so young
Sassyr12a cristen75330
I hear a lot about doctors who do not accept perimenopause as a diagnosis but with ovarian failure I was convinced to stay away from any treatments due to the risk back then. This time around when I was frantically anxious from nowhere, not sleeping etc the doc checked hormone levels which were through the floor. I Would say that if they have asked you to come in, there may be an imbalance somewhere which can be monitored /treated. It would be great for you if they have picked it up so quickly, because you can shift the focus to how you can feel better.... Rather than assuming you are nuts for 20 years like I did. Good luck with your appointment, hope you feel better x
2chr2015 cristen75330