My God .... when does this fatigue end ? 😩

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Yet another night ready for bed at 7.30pm 

Please tell me somebody when do you get some normalcy back ??? This fatigue is unbearable can’t make plans .... no life ! 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lori, I really do feel for you! I know I'm probably repeating myself but I've never felt a tiredness like this before! It sort of just hits you like a tonne of bricks. A menopausal anesthetic! This tiredness can hit me anytime during the day. Even if I've had adequate sleep. I too go to bed early which means I wake up and get up between 4.30am-ish. I would describe, collectively the symptoms of the menopause as feeling as though I'm constantly due on! Severe irritability being the worst. Oh, and the oppressive tiredness, feeling sad, tearful, forgetfulness, affecting both long and short term memory.And so it goes on... The list is endless.Message me honey. You're not alone! Donna xxx

  • Posted

    Have you tried an adrenal support supplement? I have just started taking one again, on the advice of my Naturopath. No difference yet, but I have taken them in the past and remember feeling great. I can't believe I didn't think of it again. I've stressed myself out so much that of course my adrenals are shot! I am 3 days in and will let you know if this helps. Can't hurt though. If you have a health shop around, ask about it in there and grab something smile... The exhaustion is frustrating.... especially when paired with insomnia. Something's gotta give!

    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer 

      Taking a liquid adrenal support bug not helping yet . Which brand are you taking ? 

    • Posted

      One from my ND. NFH Adrenal SAP with licorice for calming digestion. I was told that you basically need to balance timing with how long you have been under the EXTREME stress in order for it to "fix".... So I'll let you know in ten years. Lol. Seriously though, my worst lasted 3 months from Feb to end of May and has waned. So I'm hoping this will turn things around quickly!

  • Posted

    It takes 10 years I am told I cant cope with this
    • Posted

      10 years !!! It can’t be bad for a whole 10 years can it ??? 
  • Posted

    Oh yes, that fatigue is sooo unbearable! It hits me out of no where and interupts my normal routine. I have been in peri for 6 years now, and I think, (hope) I am finally getting closer to the gran finale! Missing periods up to 7-8 months and menopause symptoms have been hitting me harder then ever! When the fatigue sets in, I have to force myself to get up and do anything! All I want to do is sleep, sleep and sleep some more lol rolleyes
    • Posted

      Yes ! Where does it come from ??? Even if I get 9-10 hours sleep I’m still exhausted !! I just ordered some testosterone as the estradiol didn’t really help a lot with that . 

      I heard testosterone gives you energy so I’m trying a small dose . 

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