My House is Trying to Kill Me
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For 2 years now, I have had terrible sound sensitivity. Any vibrating noise makes me instantly feel faint. I got a new high efficiency washer which makes a horrible, grating noise that just about takes me out. Also, I can't run the dishwasher while I am at home. As you can imagine, my housework is backing up. Even at work, a man came to fix the elevator and ran a high pitched saw. My legs buckled underneath me. It was awful. I never experienced this problem till my hormones started fluctuating. I am either going to have to take a hammer to my appliances or live in a cave eating off papers plates. Does anyone have this problem?
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Gypsy014 rebecca94858
Hi Rebecca, yes past summer I had the noise sensitivity bad, and can remember laying in bed early like 5 am and there was a storm and power went out, and the entire house went silent, but then the neighbors automatic house generator went on , and the high pitch noise from outside all the way across the street was so intense i couldn't take it.. I was covering my head with pillows sticking cotton in ears it was terrible..along with ringing in the ears.. It has gone away for now .. So I know how you feel, instead now the migraines are super bad, its like we exchange one symptom for another.. Try ear plugs and soothing noises to fade out the annoying ones that are ear piercing..
rebecca94858 Gypsy014
You understand. I also have been getting the ocular migraines with the zigzag lines in my eyes. Not really a headache though. This is terrible!
Gypsy014 rebecca94858
Oh yes I do understand and it is terrible, I get the ocular migraines as well they are excruciating and I get the ice pick temple one sided migraines on left side always and right side ocular migraines all with very bad dizziness and nausea almost vomiting but I manage to not.. All during the migraine attack, and it comes every month as soon as my estrogen drops right at ovulation time.. And I do get the zigzag vision , I'm waiting for all these symptoms to start skipping months and coming fewer and farther between months, it hasn't happened yet, the heightened noise sensitivity seems to go along with the migraines and dizziness and clogged ears and ear ringing.. Awful hormones they are.. Stay strong .. Take care ❤
rebecca94858 Gypsy014
I'm trying to keep it together. I hope your struggle is over soon as well. Here's to happy headache free, noise free days!
christine66659 rebecca94858
i to suffered from ocular migraines that put me in hospital as my eyesight completely went..i was two yrs post meno ..the hrt caused was taken off it..l also had severe went on its own and ive never had another attack ten yrs post now..i still get a bit of dizziness but it seems to come on when my neck is stiff...a lot of the time dr told me ..dehydration is a big cause..we think we drink enough water but we dont..also number one cause of tension in neck shoulders and head especially on waking...i to had the noise tolerence thing..its like hypersensitivity...not nice .keep well eat well and rest well 💕i dont do stress either x
rebecca94858 christine66659
Thank you so much for replying. The ocular migraines are very scary. They are one of my worst symptoms. Now my right eye just twitches as well. I never have a day with no symptoms but I try to just keep going like everything is alright. ☹
susan39015 rebecca94858
Yes yes yes. I wigged on my hisband last night bcuz of the tv. I work in a dr office and a woman threw her purse on the counter and the buckle on the strap slammed against the counter top, the woman is in her 80's it took EVERYTHING inside of me not to lunge over the counter and body slam her god forgive me. Its so odd even when im laying down and garbage truck comes its like it sends vibration through my body and my stomach does flip flops its so bizarre. Dont even get me started on my sense of smell.
rebecca94858 susan39015
I smell things that nobody can. I smelled a burning smell at work and everyone else thought I was nuts. I smelled a gas leak once at my great grandma's house that no one else smelled. Turned out I was right and she had something wrong with her furnace. Oh and now it is light sensitivity as well. The sun really messes me up. I am tired of this stuff!