My husband (56)was prescribed Bendroflumethiazide and Bi...
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My husband (56)was prescribed Bendroflumethiazide and Bisoprolol a couple of years ago for his high blood pressure ( 195/105 ) after an MOT as he hadn't seen a doctor for some years before that! Previous to that as far as he was aware he was perfectly healthy! He had only gone to the GP to have a cyst on his eyelid removed!
He hasn't been the same since! He is constantly tired, has no get-up-and-go anymore and doesn't sleep at night! He has put on weight and also suffers erection problems. He is not the happy man I married anymore!
He went to the GP several times and was told that was just the way things are with these medications! He thought that was that?
We recently moved house and had to register with a new GP practice. We went for our initial MOT with the practice nurse and I had to see the GP as MY BP was raised!
I chatted to the new GP about myself and my husband? I was put on an ace inhibitor. She also said there was no way she would have kept my husband on Bendro and Bisoprolol as all they do is lower the BP, but they don't prevent clots etc! She said she wasn't surprised he was so tired etc and wants to see him asap!
He will see her next week and hopefully shortly afterwards I will have my old husband back?
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I have only just read your post and was really interested to hear your husband's experience with Bendroflumethiazide. I am around the same age and have been taking it for about 2 years now with exactly the same side effects. So I was really reassured that it wasn't just me or an \"age thing\".
I'd be interested to know whether he is now taking anything more suitable and if so what it is and whether there are any side effects with the new medication.
I am relieved that I can blame my tiredness on this drug - so much that I am tempted to stop taking all drugs and trying homeopathic remedies for my hypertension.
I have been on Bendroflumethiazide for 6 years. Each year I have a blood test and each year my blood glucose is raised. Each year they tell me to take more exercise and stop eating sugary foods and sweets. I do none of these things and walk with various clubs over 50 miles each week. I have mildly raised blood pressure but this runs in my family. The GPs seem to ignore the fact that one of the main side effects of this medicine is raised blood glucose. It seems they prescribe medicines with on thought to a patients life style and treat everyone the same!