My husband doesn't understand peri menopause

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I'm going through the peri menopause and feel like I hate my husband. I seem to be dwelling on his past behaviour which isn't nice for him either. Does anyone else have these experiences


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, it is amasing how our feelings can flactuate from love to hate so much. I went through strange feeling towards my husband. I seem to be OK at the moment. Not sure how so much hateful feelings I have towards him in some period of time has dissapeared. I put it down to hormons. I know it may not beeasy at times but I suggest try not to dwell on the past. Why do it now?!  I think the hormons plays a trick on us and our emotions are all over the place. I hope you have your loving feelings back again
  • Posted

    Yes, I have the same thing. I heard that it is typical in peri. I heard that women divorce and do all kind of strange things because they suddenly feel complete dissatisfaction with their lives and husbands.
  • Posted

    Yes I can absolutely understand I am going through the same exact thing and god sent me the most patient man !!!! But I still fear (because of events of severe childhood abuse) which contributes to my low self esteem which I'm getting christfian counseling for that he recommended, plus multiple surgeries because of the abuse I suffered 1. Major back surgery it took (9 hours) to repair a total right hip

    replacement and polyps removed all Surgeries happened in 9 months all in the same year and I need 2 more surgeries That I can't have because I've been under to much anesthesia in a short period of time it's not safe and the menopause symptoms are severe 1. Sever night sweats 2. Ensomnia. 3. Severe migraines 4. Bloating 5. Flu like symptoms 6 ever more severe back pain 6. Don't want to leave the house ect......

    since I had the Polyps removed and no sexual desire @ all there are times I can't even stand for him to touch me or look at me

    and I even though he says he understands I can tell it bothers him I hope this helps I will be praying for you if that's ok???

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply sheryl and so sad to hear of your earlier abuse. I too have low self esteem/anxiety which I believe is exaggerated with menopause. Am most happy in my house but husband wants to go on holidays!
    • Posted

      I am sorry to hear about earlier abuse. sad Any difficulties we had as a child seems to haunt us even more during peri. So sad and difficult to deal with. Stay strong ladies. I am hoping it will pass. No idea how long and what other symptoms round the corner but it will end. Have a GOOD day
    • Posted

      I once had someone tell me, anything that you have not dealt with in your past will surface during menopause. Don't know why that is, but I think she knew what she was taking about and was speaking from experience.

    • Posted

      How strange the way our body &mind works. I have had emotional abuse from my both parents. I have tried to deal with the feeling all my life. But now it us worse. Perhaps I wasn't successful dealing with them. I had many counselling session up until recently. But stopped since I wasn't making abd progress and was stuck... I do hope that these come to end with menapause and we can have a peace in rest of our life; however much left...

  • Posted

    I am sorry to read about abuse. I have not experienced some terrible things, but as a teenager I was bullied and experienced some sexual harrasement. Nothing really serious, let say, it was part of the culture I come from.

    Now, in peri, some situations come to me sooooo vivid. I wake up at night, and I really see and experince situations that happenned 40 years ago. Same during the day - a place, person, anything, and my memories are back. So painful. Why it is so? What does it mean?

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