My menopause journey?.....

Posted , 15 users are following.

I have done this before but I think it helps especially for ladies who is just starting into menopause or anyone in general who might wonder if what they are experiencing is meno related! Knowledge is power as they say!..

Heavier clottier periods

Endless spotting periods

Migraine with or without auras (mine mainly just auras)

Panic/anxiety attacks

Gastitis /loss of weight and appetite

Constant hunger even when eaten


Intolerence to bright lights

Sinus pain/headaches

Hot flushes/sweating

Eye twitching

Watery heavy itchy eyes

Bleeding gums

Thinning hair

Pain in thigh (always right one!)

Painfull stiff legs especially in morning

Health anxiety /depression

Brittle nails/dry hair

Random tummy bloating

Weight gain

Energy slump (sudden need to eat something)

Night leg cramps (again always right one)

General aches and pains (especially shoulders!)




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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there - yes that sums it up!


    How did you cope, especially with the anxiety. I am loosing my mind. Getting attacks almost every day now. On xanor and antidepressants

    • Posted

      Dear lelawreck

      I started taking vitamins for the over fifties and it seemed to help as I felt I was low in magnesium which I believe can cause anxiety x

    • Posted

      Thank you kindly - I started with magnesium, potassium, calcium and folic acid vitamins about a week ago. Maybe I must just hang in there. 
    • Posted

      Yes magnesium is excellent but use the spray on kind as it will absorb right into your skin. Powder & pills won't be as effective but still do work.

    • Posted

      Yes my anxiety did get better after taking vitamins perhaps not straight away but over a few weeks x
  • Posted all. Now in post menopause, and seem to be getting bowel issues again. Had post menopausal bleeding occur 2x after almost 2 years without full periods.

    Just developed some fibroids though. Ohhh joy... Luckily, not large enough to need surgery per my OBGYN. She said as I progress into menopause they will shrink.

    To be on the safe sidd, went through a second biopsy, transvaginal ultrasound and MRI, so luckily knock on wood, no cervical or ovarian tumorsr/cancer was found.

    I'm 52 and think about 2 years into post now. So how long does post last? Still get some of the symptoms you noted above, and most prevalent this week IBS issues. Just lovely.

    • Posted

      Hi DiD I

      What are the symptons of IBS? For the past 2 weeks my bowels has been driving me up the walls. This is the time for my period do far no show. My stomach is bloated and lower back burns and radiates from and to lower stomach. It feels like pressure in the bowel area like I want to poop . I took some milk of magnesium last night and I noticed it helped after a bowel move this morning. The burning decreased some. But it feels like I still want to poop with pressure in rectum. Im wondering if my colon are impacted with feces? I was told last month a trip to ER cat scan show that impacted colon. Afterward had a colonics done. It is centered around my period time.

    • Posted

      Dear didio

      God yes when will it end? Oh thankfully your tests were clear, do we need this uncertainty? X

  • Posted

    I have/had 20 of these listed above.  All started about the age of 42/43 .. thanks for the listi  think it helps for us to see where are not alone or crazy. 
  • Posted

    I should have typed this list. I swear I have experienced all of these symtpoms and some more. The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that it's hormonal and it will pass. Thanks for sharing.

    • Posted

      Yes it helps as I said before that it isnt just ourselves experiencing it x

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