My Perimenapause symptoms
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Hi ladies
Here is my list of symptoms
-cannot sleep
-feeling dizzy
-brain fog
-overwhelming feeling of tiredness
-awful taste in my mouth
-anxiety especially when arrested
-heart racing due to anxiety
-low sex drive
-pain in my lower back
-electric shock feeling in fingers
-lazy leg
-blurred vision sometimes
-left breast pain
-left shoulder pain
-hair loss(thank goodness I'm mixed so I can change my hair styles up )😉
-aching points on my legs and arms and if touched my skins bruises
--feeling like something is sitting over my left breast (a heaviness)
- doom and always thing the worst thing to happen to me( can't watch movies with blood scenes or hear about someone passed away, or pass churches
-can't find time to exercise bit want to
-don't want to go out and socialize
- no longer a nice person, I can't tolerate others and my temper is short
-in also abrupt with my kids and husband and annoyed when they ask me to do thing
I think that's it for now, feel free to add to my list
7 likes, 21 replies
lori93950 gilly_64426
gilly_64426 lori93950
I know about cleaning the house, I get a the energy to clean then, I pay for next day😣the struggle is real girl???feeling the love
lori93950 gilly_64426
gilly_64426 lori93950
I swear men get help if they have a headache but women can't get any help, we to fight for peri menapause because I can't stand this thing, it's a monster 😣
pam90720 gilly_64426
lol! I think I just wrote that!! Same here friend with all you listed and I'm in menopause !!! Hugs!!!!!🙏🙏💕💕
gilly_64426 pam90720
My struggle lately is my breast pain and left arm, I cut out coffee and started taking evening Prim rose and trying to prayer more and keep calm thru , thx for the ❤ this group is great
maureen12052 gilly_64426
I’m so sorry gilly😢. I had almost everyone of your symptoms and it sucks!! I’m 50 and still going through some of them! The anxiety is the worst! I still can’t deal with hearing about someone dying from cancer or some horrible death. I feel you pain on that! I googled every symptom I had and about scared myself to death. I’ll pray for you because I know first hand how you feel.😲
gilly_64426 maureen12052
How could this happen to us now?
I have 4 kids and giving birth was not like this, I would get pregnant again just so avoid this pain
2chr2015 maureen12052
Nancy2121 gilly_64426
Couldn't have said it ANY better! It's AWFUL!
Said if these are our golden years, screw it! I'd rather give birth every day. And the 1 time that happened, it took 27 hours! This is by far the most horrible experience ever! No matter how healthy I try to be, I feel like crap almost every day. I WILL say that the hot flashes aren't as bad today. Thank the Lord! Just trying to stay positive, and thanking God for the husband and family support that I have. I KNOW this could be worse, and many of you suffer worse than I am right now! Hugs...and happy thoughts!?
pam90720 Nancy2121
Perfectly said, Nancy!!! 💕💕
gilly_64426 pam90720
lori93950 Nancy2121
Guest gilly_64426
I have all these symptoms and even more dreadful ones.
gilly_64426 Guest
None, spell check this time and not peri brain🤗🤗🤗,