My symptoms to date

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Hello ladies to date since menopause these are some of what I went through

1.aches and pains in my shoulders elbows wrist hands.

2.nausea feeling ill

3.weird pains in my head

4.stomach issue.

5.crawling skin .



8.feeling doomed dread

9.burning tongue mouth

10. Lower back pain that causes legs and hips to hurt

11.allergies got worse

12. Flight or freight

13.dry nose and eyes

14.burning in my back right after get bad anxiety

These are just some of what I have experience not all are still hanging around they have eased I still get a peak of anxiety but mostly nausea now I don't vomit just feel like I want to I have learn to deal with the aches and pains I walk a lot more just can't seem to shake the nausea for some reason grrrrrrrrrr well just wanted to share some of what I've been through since I've been in Meno it's been a little over three yrs no period I'm praying I keep heading in the good direction with the good days verses the bad days well ladies maybe you can share some of your experience so we can all read and understand hugs to you all and as always your all in my prayers

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi monique i get most of these apart from the burning tongue and back but i have had burning in the face, I get very light headed and dizzy and i can sleep for a good 2 hours plus when i get the chance in the day ive also started having the migraine type headaches the worst is the memory loss as it can be so embarrassing at times it certainly sucks doesnt it  
  • Posted

    Hello Monique, is your nausea there all the time? Mine now seems to be there for the first 10 days of my cycle. 

    Has your nausea become less over time ? I can't bear this for 3 yearss- already had one year of it. I am going to get referral to see if they can confirm It's peri . Need something to take edge of nausea . It's the worst. 

    I thought I was the only one suffering from this but it seems a number of us have this awful symptom. When I get the nausea- I lose appetite , low mood and feel knackered ! 

  • Posted

    what a list!  I've had all of these also, some not lasting, others staying around.  The worst ones staying of course!

    Top of my list would be anxiety (1st prize)  and then tendonitis (2nd prize), and of course palpitations (3rd prize).  These three made my life unbearable.  The anxiety symptom wins for being the most debilitating symptom of them all.   It stopped me from doing everything.  Thankfully, I am getting my old self back and I thought she was gone forever.

    • Posted

      Yessssssssssssss the tendonitis I actually went to the hospital today because my left arm had been giving me the business aching pulling when I move my arm burning feeling well doc says it's bursitis heck I don't know but I just wanted to get it checked out he said we have sac's that fill that causes the burning feeling it comes and goes but rather be safe than sorry

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