Nausea anyone else

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All of a sudden for the past couple days I've been nauseated it's like I want to throw up but haven't it's been making me feel so ill this just started is this a part of it because I don't recall having this unless a virus is coming about grrrrrrrrrr so many symptoms here I've been doing good then this comes about thanks ladies for your input

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow this is me. I stsrted another thread as I've been like this for weeks. Doctor put me on cyclizine but it makes me drowsy.

    Like you I feel so ill with it. Feeling like I'm gonna throw up but not actually bring sick.

    I've done nothing but cry this week it's debilitating.

    I've had bouts of nausea in my nine years of peri but none lasted this long.

    I saw my gastrointestinal consultant on Friday who told me my symptoms are not coming from my stomach and it's all in my head!!!!!

    So I feel even worse now. I'm also wearing the wrist bands that help nausea. I thought they were helping but for some reason it's back again today stronger than ever. It's the most horrendous feeling.

    Sorry I cannot give you advice as I've tried everything. I've only had two periods in the last eight months so I don't know if it's connected.

    I've also got an awful metallic taste in my mouth which makes me queasy.

    Hugs to you x

    • Posted

      I feel for you. It does get you down after a while,especially if the doctor said they can't find anything! As for the metallic taste I had this constantly for 5 months with burning mouth syndrome. It has eased off now. Sending a hug x

    • Posted

      Thanks Michelle. I've also had the metallic taste come and go. Hard to tell if it's the taste causing the nausea or vice versa x

    • Posted

      Yes I get the horrible taste in my mouth as well this nausea comes and goes also get bouts of dizziness this menopause crap is for the birds grrrrrrrrrr praying we all get through this
  • Posted

    Ladies, I'm just going to throw something out here, but can't promise it is related. 

    Estrogen can create nausea.  Even doing supplemental estrogen can create that sensation.  Are you in perimenopause?  It may be an over expression of estrogen with very little progesterone to balance it's effect.  

    In perimenopause, I once had to pull my car over to vomit.  I didn't have the flu, I believe it was just hormones.


    • Posted

      I have has the nausea for a year on & off. I know I am in peri and agree with you it's a hormonal imbalance . I am going to speak to my GP to see what she suggests . It's the worst feeling ever , I sympathise with anyone going through this it completely paralyses you .

  • Posted

    Dear Monique,

    I think the increased reflux and up and down hormones causes nausea at this stage, I had this and unfortunately went on to have gastitis because of this. I know it is an awful unsettling symptom in peri but quite common x

  • Posted

    Do you also get acid reflux or gerd? My nausea and dry heave was so bad I thought I was dying. Did endoscopy as none of the antinausea meds helped and it was gastritis. Severe gastritis. Am taking Protonix for it. Trying yo come off of it. Taking it every other day but can tell in the mornings when I've skipped a day.

    • Posted

      Hi there

      What symptoms do you get when you haven't taken your tablets? I'm on Lansaparole and I've missed 3 days and I feel really sick. I wondered if it was because I've missed a few x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      When I wake up in the middle of night or morning I feel nauseous. And have deep burping. A lot of them right after another. When I go to brush my teeth I feel the need to dry heave and can feel the stomache acid wanting to come up or coming up. Xx


    • Posted

      Oh and burning sensation in stomache and throat. Plus no appetite but a full feeling.

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