Nausea hell won’t end!!
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Sorry ladies but i had to get on here to vent! So i havent had a period since February but the hormonal roller coaster refuses to back down!! This past month has been just as bad as when i had periods! Hell i feel like im going to have a period soon, but im so tired of this never ending nausea and nothing helps it except phenergan but i dont want to use that excessively. It is just so damn awful and exhausting, Im so afraid to eat cause i constantly feel like my stomach is gurgly and seasick!! When i go ahead and try to eat it makes it way worse! And plz dont offer advice like try this herb or cbd oil, Ive tried EVERYTHING this is a living nightmare i cant wake up from! I hate throwing up so i just dont eat and i e lost so much weight! I go to bed hoping i will pass away in my sleep to be rid of this awful hell, and the nausea is on top of the 20 other damn symptoms i have! Ive been going through this for 8 years now, but its been the most brutal these past 4 years. The only time i feel depressed is when i get nauseated, when i have the occassional couple of good days im sooooo damn happy and i eat!! But then the hell returns full force! I just wish we didnt have to go through this and the worse part is being tricked into thinking your getting better then bam its back!
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monna93589 Guest
have you tried hrt?
Guest monna93589
yep, made my symptoms even more unbearable but then again in my 20s i tried birth control of different kinds and my body was too sensitive to handle them but nothing like this!
mel65197 Guest
Hi Brandy - I am so sorry. While I don't have nausea, I do have a bad stomach (burning, pain) A LOT so I can understand where you're coming from. I can also understand the frustration with trying everything and nothing working - for long anyway. I will sometimes stumble on something - some supplement or diet that I think is going to do the trick, and maybe it does temporarily, but then everything comes back. What does your doc say? That it is just due to hormones and to ride it out? I have been dealing with all my peri health woes for about 5 or 6 years. I just had some hormonal testing done through our local compounding pharmacy and might try out BHRT. Is that something you've explored?
Again, so sorry you are dealing with this. There are very few things worse than being nauseous! 😦
Guest mel65197
Hi there, well i starting going to my dr about 8 years ago when the symptoms started slowly( i was in my early 30s)...she did alot of tests for cancer and everything, they cane back fine. So every year the symptoms would intensify a bit more so i would bring it up at my yearly pap, she would say nothing was wrong and maybe i should see a shrink. So i tried a few times to take zoloft and other antidepressants which made my symptoms worse and added new ones! Finally when i was 38 i started missing like 3 periods in a row so i did the saliva testing which said my progesterone was too low. I go back to the dr with those tests, she does her own blood work and them says "you are too you g for any perimenopause or menopause symptoms and the blood tests were fine get back on antidepressants. I never went back on them and three years later my symptoms are out the flashes, nausea, vaginal pain with sex....all the menopause symptoms. I havent had a period now in 6 months! So i did the saliva testing again, it said menopause! So i cant go to my dr cause she thinks im too young at age 41 & it must be my fault for the awful symptoms. I tried hormone replacement through holistic places and it made me even sicker! 😦 i dont know what to do anymore
mel65197 Guest
Ugh, you've got all the crappy symptoms! That's awful. In my opinion you could use a new doctor who listens to you and understands what is going on. I think most doctors out there really have no idea how to handle this phase of life and how to help women. But there ARE those people out there. You just have to work to find them. Have you heard of the podcast Sweaty and P****d? Check it out. It talks a lot about all this with a nurse practitioner who is so knowledgeable about hormones and peri/menopause and a very funny comedian who is dealing with all the crap. It will make you feel better to know that not only are there a lot of women out there dealing with it, but there are things you can do to help yourself. I just finished episode 4 which had listener's questions. Very interesting and also talks about finding a good provider who will listen to you!
Guest mel65197
Thank you, yeah there really arent very many good drs to choose from in my area, truth be told though a dr cant really help anyway since i cant take hormones. But i guess the blood tests i did have done makes me realize nothing major is wrong but how badly hormones make you feel tends to make you believe you are crazy cause why else would you feel so bad!? It does help hearing about others going through the same thing. I havent heard of that but i will check it out! I know there is no cure for menopause symptoms, i know i just have to suffer through it but it just helps to vent out the frustrations of it all!
susane84679 Guest
Hi Brandy,
I'm terribly sorry you are feeling so horrible. my dr told me that symptoms will be worse as we are nearing the end of peri. I was skeptical at first, and like you have had the severe nausea but it passed after about 3 weeks. other symptoms had gotten worse also. I am 9 months without a period and lately I have noticed symptoms starting to calm down or some have gone away completely.. it's something to do with our hormones starting to level out. I was 44 when I started this journey and I'm 51 now, so I dont think you're to young to be going thru this. hang in there and take one day at a time and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Guest susane84679
Thanks for your reply, i have noticed the nausea isnt as intense as it was 6 months ago but i want it gone completely! im just so tired of feeling sick like im on a rollercoaster, trying to eat while feeling that way is simply awful. But i have noticed that my anxiety has gotten alot better compared to the past 6 years and that is a huge plus!! It used to be so debilitating that i felt like i was crawling out of my skin, but now i just feel jittery at times and im not taking any antidepressants or antianxiety meds at all. in fact all i take is a multivitamin so i know that alot of these symptoms are brought on by hormones not a mental disorder...and i know im not too young to be going though this cause ive read so many younger than average ladies suffering like me...that dr was just inept at her job! This website helped me see that 😃
chrisann144 Guest
i have had so many bouts of nausea more then when i was preggo with three kids my best description of perimnopause its like being pregnant going thru puberty and perpetual pms....i drink ginger ale when the nausea hits i am fifty i have been in peri since 42 i had a period in FEB and started to spot the other day never went into a period but it has me thinking i will get a period because anytime i spot i eventually get a period! ughhh its soooo annoying i have so many symptoms my last bloodwork which was january had me in menopause but obviously i havent gone a full year without a period! i used to be a nurse and trust me wasnt taught much about menopause never mind peri my gp said the same thing he did alot of research himself and my new primary who i used to work with his wife is going thru it rn too! i totally understand how are feeling just know your not alone! we are here for you
Guest chrisann144
Thanks, it helps so much to be able to get on here and rant hoping i dont seem like im
insane, then i hear so many women just like me saying they are suffering from the same symptoms. Its so easy to feel like you are crazy cause there is no special test that says "yes this poor woman is most certainly suffering from the effects of hormones". But goodness i wish it would end! For the past 2 weeks i have felt the same i always used to before a period so i think i will be having one again myself 😦 thats upsetting cause then that means i have to start my countdown to the end of periods for good all over again
chrisann144 Guest
oh i know ughhh i thought that maybe i would be like my mother who breezed thru this nope i had the period from hell since i got it at 12 i get horrific cramping always have i feel for women who never got cramps and now they get them! the spotting has stopped so far but it cant be trusted and i have to count down again ughhhhh my husband says he understands and maybe loggically he does but he has no idea really everyday you dont know what symptom you will get it just sucks thank god i found these boards we arent going crazy when i learned the endocrine system in nursing which is the hormones our body produces i had no idea it could make you feel like this when they are off i dont remember puberty but i do remeber my periods being all over the place i remember my prego symptoms and i feel worse now then when i was pregnant three times the nausea like i said i get it more now then i did with the three pregnanacys combined my gp is understanding im not a canidate for hrt its just a crazy time and i try to stay positive but it can be hard
Guest chrisann144
Same here about my mom not having any issues except a little bit of depression! Im thinking really?? Then why am i sooooo sick??? Speaking of sick i felt fine yesterday, go to bed then i wake up at 1am vomiting! I had to use phenergan to get it to stop then lo and behold i go the bathroom and there is spotting on my toilet paper! I havent had a period since the beginning of Feb and i am miffed cause i have to start over counting too. Sadly i knew i was going yo have a period cause i had ovarian aching about two weeks ago and sore nipples one week ago. I dont really get terrible cramps although i did in my teens. My puberty wasnt horrible like this, my first two pregnancies were fine, my last pregnancy after i had gotten the depo shot made me sick but nothing like this!! Im afraid to go anywhere or even eat cause this sickness hits out if nowhere with or without having periods but periods make it worse. I wish there was a cure! I did read it is the endocrine system that causes this garbage! My husband tries to be understanding too but he just cant get it how bad this is 😦