nausea, stomach pains,back ach, allday and night
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hi just exhorted from it all. sat in bed just feeling rubbish. constant period type pains no period with it just pains not had a period since begining of november,but had a few spots here and there not even enough to tip the tampax. and not everyday or even every week,back achs at bottom and just feel sick all day and shaky and dizzy and pains in my sides. fed up, im tierd all day to. put extra inches on waist look pregnant feel pregnant but not pregnant gosh. got high blood presure to. only 47. i dont know if its something else wrong with me or if its to be expected in meno
just want to know if anyone else is having theses symptoms to.dont know what homones im lacking in so dont know whats best to take in the herbal natural what eva range.
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maria_03422 d19606
Hi!! You are about sorry!
Have you been to the dr? Maybe you want to have some blood work done so you can see what you lacking..for me vitamin D was a miracle!! I still getting my period but I do have the cramping even when I don't have it!! I had a pelvic ultrasound tests and more tests and nothing there.. I start gaining weight around your age without any changes to my diet...was I'm 51 and I start feeling better and I start loosing the belly
I do have the muscle pain I'm my lower back sides and hips. It's all expected in this face of our life as my dr said..I did use to get the dizzy spells, I use to cook or talk and I will feel so dizzy I had to seat will be ok..I quit coffee, alcohol and sugar.I take a multivitamin and vitamin D night drink a cup of chamomile tea helps me to sleep..that's all I'm so tired dealing with this the past 6 years!!!! Hang in there xxxxx
maddysmom2015 d19606
Hi D,
Yes, I am almost constantly exhausted, even when I sleep for a full night. I wake up in a rage for no reason. The exhaustion makes it difficult to exercise and I've gained weight through the middle too. Often I am bloated on top of that; foods that never bothered me before give me bloating and gas.
Sometimes I just feel like I have the flu with body aches and general poor sense of well being. Sometimes randomly dizzy, crashing fatigue and generalized rage.
I also often get shaky. I shoveled snow yesterday and was so shaky with my left arm that I couldn't type for an hour. I was never that out of shape before!
I second what Maria said about Vit D and a regular multivitamin. I cut way back on sugar and all flour and that has helped a bit. Cutting out the flour helped with the bloating and gave me some energy back.
We're here for you!
maria_03422 maddysmom2015
I'm the same way...loved to work outside on my garden but no more!!! Getting so tired I just gave up!! and like you I have to watch what I eat because I get so blooded!!
maddysmom2015 maria_03422
maria_03422 maddysmom2015
I did but upset my stomach so bad I stopped it..just like you as soon as something is bothering me my anxiety goes up !!! It's been a hard long 6 years but I can see some improvement
I'm not sure if really the majority of symptoms gone away or I'm so used to them they don't bothering me anymore
d19606 maria_03422
il feel real tierd then cant be botherd to clean up, feel like theowing up, then head achs cramps and blaoting feel proper ugly and old.
im in uk dont know were you all are, but here weather is totaly gray and misrable, cant even go for a good walk to cold wet and yuk.
need some sun.
i hate menoporse.
just feel like im dieing slowly and age creeping in fast.
iv also noticed i cant eat much as i feel full faster and then bloated. i just cant understand how i can put weight on when i dont hardly eat anything. its hard to tey and exersize when you have no energy and feel so crap. my back achs gone now but still getting the cramps, no periods thoe, and i get tingleing in feet and hands and when i wake up in morrinings my hands are numb.iv had various symptoms over the past few years, gone from light periods to very heavy to close together to far apart to constant and now to none exept maybe a bit of brown maybe once and then maybe pink once then nothing again. sweats i got them for a few weeks at night then none then sweating allday through cloths then stoped then dry down there then not gosh, but at mo its feel tierd feel like i have morrning sickness which gets worse if i go out and actualy walk some were, and the weight gain. and cramps, and the very thin hair cos its all fell out. glad im not havi g hot flushes but i supose theyl start uo in summer when you just dont neeed em gosh lol glad everyone knows what im going through, as my husband and kids are like shut uo moaning. and change subject.
maria_03422 d19606
I'm so sorry you going through all these!!! If makes you feel any better you are not alone!! My family and children are tired listening to me complaining so they kind of ignore me when I say I dont feel good
It's not easy and no one prepared me for this nightmare...the other day I was checking our front door camera and I got scared when I looked my self in it
I thought what the heck happened to me!!! My husband keeps saying you beautiful after that, I told him he needs to stop lying!!! Like you I gained weight without hair thinned out my body is aching and I live in florida which is hot all year around and I refuse to put a bathing suit anymore I feel so ugly! One good thing my belly seems to going flat
so hopefully slowly things will improve...xxxxx write anytime you like!!!
dredding summer with my body. i did go gym so going to go back as i stoped as i had a operation last year and couldnt cope. but just worried about high blood presure and going gym not sure if i can get my heart up and its healthy to il have to ask dr. i even dred gyn cos feeel like everyones looking at me like i sweated bad when i was going. and couldnt cope as i was real dizzzy alot i had a tumor in my middle ear.
v got to do somthi g iv decided im not going to give in and get old. im 48 in july i dont want to feel 58.