Nausea today again!!!
Posted , 8 users are following.
What causes this? I mean how do hormones cause nausea. I just need a rational explanation. And what can I eat or drink to help?
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Posted , 8 users are following.
What causes this? I mean how do hormones cause nausea. I just need a rational explanation. And what can I eat or drink to help?
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monique_93857 2chr2015
2chr2015 monique_93857
Thank you Monique! I'm going to try that.
gailannie 2chr2015
I know you want an explanation for this. And I understand just wanting to understand what the h*ll is going on with our bodies. What I can tell you is that it is often estrogen that causes this sensation. Or possibly what I should, say is estrogen in relation to our other hormones. I had this feeling when I was in perimeno. I literally had to pull my car over to throw up one time. It went just as quickly as it came. I really wasn't feeling sick, other than that queezy sensation.
I have felt the same thing one day while on an estrogen patch.
Just keep in mind that hormones effect every cell in our bodies. From the hair on our head, the dryness of our eyes and mouth, stomach issues, all the way down to our legs and toes. Even our ability to have an alcholic drink changes when we become menopausal. Hormones touch and effect everything. So no wonder we feel so off when things get out of wack.
carmen_22574 gailannie
Everything you said is so true. I can't wait to be over this. Good days and bad days. Some days i wish i could burp like now. 😊
2chr2015 gailannie
That makes sense. I always feels like my estrogen is high when my breasts start hurting... Which they are right now. I was really bloated a couple of days ago. I have gained some weight, but I was trying to bc I was losing too much with the anxiety, no appetite and nausea. So much that I ended up in hospital for a night from passing out (prob bc I couldn't eat the day before bc of nausea). I felt more energetic for a couple of weeks. Probably just from eating more carbs. Now I am just hoping the whole cycle is not starting over. But on the other hand I have been having night sweats for the past few nights....and I thought that was from low estrogen! Is that right? Or could the hormones fluctuate that quickly?
Whino 2chr2015
2chr2015, I don't know the science behind hormones causing nausea but I know that they can. The example of it that stands out in my mind is the morning sickness of first trimester pregnancy.
I don't recall any nausea from perimenopause or menopause, myself. Not that that means it wouldn't cause it for someone else. But it's also possible attribute something to the wrong cause. Lactose intolerance, for just one example.
Not sure if this will help but for early pregnancy nausea, I found that eating a few dry crackers helped.
2chr2015 Whino
Thanks whino. Dry crackers do help. Sometimes a little honey helps me too. I never put nausea with menopause. Thank goodness for you all to listen to me, bc I sure don't have anyone around me that understands. ((Hugs ))
metamorphed Whino
this is really interesting. that you mentioned lactose intolerance! I developed nausea in peri, never had this before and I cut out dairy for a few months and the nausea went fairly quickly. I have slowly brought dairy back into my diet and the nausea has not come back. I think we become extra sensitive during perimenopause to some things and we have to re-think almost everything to feel better. I don't believe that I am lactose intolerant but that my body needed a break from it while the hormones were going through their motions. I am fine with this now. I found that a chewable vitamin C tablet helped me when I couldn't take in anything else.
Whino metamorphed
Extra sensitive makes sense. Now I'm thinking of early pregnancy again and how gas fumes out on the roads made me nauseaus.
michelle46271 2chr2015
I've been feeling queezy for 5 weeks now. It must be hormonal. I get so bloated with it. I am on HRT but it doesn't help this though x
2chr2015 michelle46271
michelle46271 2chr2015
Nothing helps and I don't loose weight. I just grin and bear it x
jane47249 2chr2015
I had nausea during peri menopause for 12 months it was devastating it will go away eventually it's because your hormones are in flux once just like early pregnancy drink lemon and ginger tea suck on peppermints camomile tea and just try and ride it out
I feel for you because I know I was miserable
2chr2015 jane47249
Thanks Jane. I will try the teas! It's hard to get anything down but some bread some days
menopolized 2chr2015
but i never stopped eating because of it
and never allowed vomintting to take over
2chr2015 menopolized