Nausea vomiting

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Hi ladies oh I've had a bad week. Nausea vomiting got so bad I had to go to ER twice this weekend. Couldn't even keep water down

Ct and bloods wee all fine. Dehydrated. Gave me zophran anti nausea med and sent me home but on way home it all came back again. Second time around got phenergen. Knocked me out. It's 2 days later now and still sleepy from it.

Long story short I'm going to get gallbladder out tomorrow and hope that that is the cause. They couldn't find cause at ER but I've had this gallbladder surgery on my to do list since my peri symptoms escalated last year.

Anyone had this done and can tell how it was? Thanks!

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I had that same problem I would drink water throw up for a few days then it will go

    If I worry to much that can set off too first person to come on here and said this because everybody seem to be mostly nausea not my one.

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      Yes about 2 months ago it would come and go so I just took ginger tea and let it pass. But last couple of weeks it was getting worse, appetite went to zero, burping continuously then last week bringing up everything I ate. I'm just hoping this surgery will solve it.
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      Hi I notice the burping with water stop but these symptoms go and come till they subside for good.
  • Posted

    I had my gallbladder out in March. I had a very large gallstone. I believe meno exacerbated it. I also have some autoimmune issues, and am currently trying to get a diagnosis. I was and am nauseated daily, but never threw up. I also had no appetite and have lost a significant amount of weight. Good luck to you! Keep us posted. 
    • Posted

      Yes I've no appetite and lost weight too. Were you having those symptoms before surgery too?

      They are not sure it's from gallbladder so could be totally peri or GI. I'm disappointed that even in ER they couldn't get to the cause.

      Will be long day tomorrow because it's at 5pm and I can't drink or eat anything from midnight not even water.

    • Posted

      I'm having my gallbladder out tomorrow. My info says nothing to eat for 6hours before and I can have my last drink 2 hours before. Op is at 1.50pm. Maybe it's because you are so sick.

      I've been extremely I'll with peri/ gallbladder disease and stones/ burnout over this last 2 years. Literally nearly dead. 62 symproms!! 3 hospitals & 5 GPs failed to recognise gallbladder attacks and toxicity. I'm a lot better now, although still having the peri depression, anxiety, panic attacks , foggy head, memory and vision problems, but nowhere near as severe!

      I can only eat most veg, some fruits, gluten free bread, one type of granola and some baked salmon. Also quinoa. That's it. I can only drink water, redbush tea, soya milk, real apple juice. Raw organic honey to sweeten. And above all, squeezed lemons! Aids all GB digestive problems, from reflux to constipation.

      I take B12, bit D3 , calcium and cod liver oil. On no meds as had bad reaction to all of them. Even gave me beta blockers as my heart rate was out difference and lost so much weight.

      I think the op will make a real difference. Vamt wait to hrt it over and done with. Everyone I've spoken to who's had it done say they can eat what they like and it made a real difference. So all the best for yours, hope everything settled down quickly. Xxxxx

    • Posted

      *heart rate was out of control* it should read
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      Should also read *can't wait til its all over and done with*. Blasted auto correct!!
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      Good luck with your surgery as well. It is standard procedure here to not take anything in from midnight before day of surgery. So people try to schedule an early morning time.

      It's so hot here. It's 90 degrees so hope I'm not dehydrated still got 10 hrs to go!

  • Posted

    Good luck with the surgery CC xx
    • Posted

      Good luck. Just to let you know when you come around after surgery you will feel like you have loads of trapped wind in your body especially around your chest. Don't worry this is normal.
    • Posted

      Ask someone to bring you peppermint tea or even mints to suck. Should help a little x
    • Posted

      That sounds awful.

      Well I'm starting to get my pms symptoms now. One thing on top of another! Will it never end?

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