Nearly 4 years in and its only getting worse

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Hi All

I am new on here.... so hello to you all,

I was told i was peri just after my 40th birthday... I will be 44 in July.

The last 6 months or so things have just got worse and worse... weight gain, the over riding feeling of either wanting to murder anyone or so uptight that i cant leave the house..... sore boobs, bloating.... you get the drift...

I went to my GP this morning who has taken bloods etc and is thinking that I may have to go on HRT ... i am really not comfortable with this. She did say that i should look at alternatives to, Which i am.

So i am really hoping you could give me some info on natural remedies and also the soya aspect... have any of you got any benefit from taking this course over HRT?

Hope you can help...

Oddles of love

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lea ,you have definitely corm to the right place ,you will get lots of advice , I was prescribed HRT as mood swings , and yes the general feeling that I would either kill myself or someone else ! But have since found out that generally speaking HRT only delays the symptoms so when you stop taking it you will then have the symptoms returning ,so consequently it is still sitting in the packet ! Have tried Menopace ,but didn't do anything ,am now trying Magnesium as a lot of women on this site seem to recommend it for anxiety and insomnia ! Hope you get some of the answers you are looking for , good luck ! P.s also tried the Lady Care Magnet ,again no luck ,leant it to a friend who was having horrendous hot flushes after coming off HRT ,said it worked for the first 24 hrs then stopped working ,so not sure if this is a wise investment x
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      We could be twins with the matching symptoms..LOL

      I feel the same about HRT - i am only delaying it and if i can some of the symptoms under control i am happy enough to weather the storm and hope that by the time i hit 50 its over and done with.

      I tried menopace and it didnt do anything for me either... i think sometimes you need to target certain things rather than a blanket tablet and the lady magnet worked for a week or two and then nothing,,,,

      Health store hear i come !

    • Posted

      Hi Lea

      You are right medication is not the answer for everything. We need to learn how to relax and get our minds and our body in control we can not let our emotions get the best of us. 

      Our ancestors did it with out HRT and if they can so can we

    • Posted

      Dear Lea ,I wish I could assure you that the sypmtoms will be over by 50 ,you may be lucky ,unfortunately I turned 50 in Feb and there is no sign of the monthly curses ending infact they are more regular now ( so more of them) than they ever were , pattern has changed always used to be irregular ! Think have been peri for a few years without realising it as had the most horrendous mood swings etc which nearly cost me my marriage ,as I didn't have any time for my husband ! Looks like it might be heading that way again if these anxiety attacks keep happening , think although he says he loves me ,think he has had enough and just wants a quiet life with no hassle , don't we all , if only x
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      Yeah i know its wishful thinking, but im hopeful ,,LOL i have been peri for the last 4 years and my periods are all over the shop. I have gone 7 months without, then normal ! so far this year i have had two !

      I feel for you and your husband .... its hard enough for us to deal, never mind them.

      I always tell my hubby that i either do or dont want him near me... it can change in seconds... LOL and he himself has said that he never really know what he should do or say.... so i make of a point of letting him know... sometimes i can fly of the handle but i always say sorry - when  i feel really bad, which pretty much all the time lately i either just go to bed and read or sleep or get my doggie on the lead and head off for a walk which always helps me and in turn helps them.

      I really try not to lose it with my hubby as he really has no clue what to do.....but it is hard...

      I really hope you find a way to sort things with him xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      I do agree with you,  if HRT got rid of the menopause alltogether then i wouldnt have so much of an issue - besides the health risks assocaited with it.

      I do feel that if this is what my body is wanting then i should let it, and help it along a bit with natural remedies....

      I guess the issue is that whilst our ancestors did without they didnt leave the kind of lives that we do and sometimes the symptoms are condusive to a happy work place or home life....

    • Posted

      Thank you , I too have a dog and have to say going for a walk in thr country quite often helps ! Yes it is incredibly hard for them to understand , think I generally have 2 weeks of the month when I'm relatively "normal" and 2 weeks not so ,actually thought those times were getting better until this last month PMS from hell , heavy period , after having months of lighter ones ,but unfortunately the mood didn't lift this time ! Oh well tomorrow's another day , thank you again ,good to talk Sarah xx
    • Posted

      They probaby had stress in their lives every one deals with everyday stress even our ancestors
    • Posted

      God Sarah that is exactly how I feel two weeks I'm good then the other two week when I have my period then after I feel terrible my mood drops feel so down. I have started swimming to try and relax my self. X
    • Posted

      Oh without a doubt, i guess though depending how far back you go.... our ancenstors probably didnt live long enough to suffer the symptoms of menopause.

      My mum had everything removed over 30 years ago and she was put straight on HRT - it wasnt an option to not go on it... at least now we have a choice.

    • Posted

      Hi Tracy ,so many of us suffering in the same way ,it's awful isn't it ,the mood swings ,feel myself saying things I don't really mean but find I am unable to stop myself ,husband usually on the receiving end ! Don't know how many threads I have sent him via email on this topic ,as am sure he thinks every body else's wives/ partners are "normal" ! Hope the swimming works for you ! X
  • Posted

    I don't have any suggestions for you accept you could do vitamin bs to help with your moods also they give energy and can help lose the weight if you don't want to go on HRT. Or you could try an antidepressant an SSRI to help you cope with the moody part. This is all I have to add. either vitamin b or an antidepressant what ever you feel comfaotable with talk with your doctor about it
    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      Thanks for reply, all suggestions are helpful xx

      im on the B vits so will see what i can add to them. x

  • Posted

    Hi lea

    I took alot of advice from the great ladies to help me feel better an its worked an working for me.

    high doze of b6 an b12.magnesium an hour b4 bed.

    am still having bad an really bad days but also feeling better most days.

    its not nice bring this age is it girls !!!!! Lol

    • Posted


      I am taking all the advise i can get !!! LOL..

      I actually already take the B vits, i dont store B12 so i take it orally and i get an injection every 6/10 weeks to boost it...

      I am making a list of all the tips and will be heading to the health shop tomorrow !

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