Neck pain
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Hi Ladies!
Have any of you experienced what I can only describe as a strain in the neck. I was resting yesterday afternoon and I somehow jerked my head the wrong way and now it seems I have this terribly painful muscle strain in the back of my neck. I have to turn my whole body if I need to look back. Of course this triggered all kinds health anxiety thoughts. I know me accidentally jerking my neck is what started it but I didn't think it would feel this bad! I heard that estrogen can make you more sensitive to pain and I am on my period right now too. Forgive me if I'm babbling. Just wondering if anyone is more susceptible to pain when their period is on?
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kelly55079 sharcerv52408
I have done that too, move the wrong way and my back or neck aches for a few days.. I always blame the weather but it's me not stretching enough on a daily basis. Take an Aleeve or IB Profen, try doing some SLOW neck exercises, and if you have a heating pad/water thingy--put that on it too...
sharcerv52408 kelly55079
Thank you for your reply. I will try all three methods. This is a "pain in the neck" excuse the pun. LOL!
natallia04776 sharcerv52408
Hi ! Hot water bottle 15- 20 minutes as minimum and slowly try to stretch your neck. Go on you tube and see what can you do. Excise twice per day even it hurts do those stretches and you' ll start feel better.
sharcerv52408 natallia04776
natallia04776 sharcerv52408
I've seen the Physio because of my neck. So, just don't leave it . It's very difficult to believe but we do need good stretches.