Neck pulse

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Does anyone else on here like OBSESS over their pulse in their neck? 

I’ve been doing better with my health anxiety over headaches, heart palps, things I can pinpoint down to certain times of the month, and stuff like that, I don’t “totally” freak out over those  anymore (as often). 

But I’ve become obsessed with feeling my pulse in my neck and find myself constantly putting my hand up there to feel it. 

I’ll feel a little flutter on the side of my neck and then reach and feel it. 

I’ve gotten to  where I obsess over it EVERY day now to the point where I don’t know if there’s ACTUALLY something “fluttering” where it shouldn’t be....or if it’s just anxiety causing me to be hypersensitive about it!  Sometimes I’ll feel my pulse there, then press down until I can feel the “swish” in my vein...then I’ll really freak out and think “is that suppose to feel that way??”

I know this sounds nuts (which I think most of us have felt a little nuts at this point lol) but I’m just wondering if anyone else has had THIS specific health anxiety focus before, and if so, did you get it checked and what was the outcome? 

This has been a focus for me (whether I’m really feeling something or imagining it) for like 5 months or more. Not only a couple of days. 

Do, there’s a good one for today ladies! Lol Anyone else?? 

Hugs to you all fighting for sanity today and everyday!! 

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm with you I obsess about my heart any slight twinge I think it's a heart attack any headache I think I'm having a stroke I keep reminding myself it's the hormones never had health anxiety like this

    • Posted

      Its awful isn’t it? 

      I feel like I’ve learned to really deal with my other symptoms very well, but the neck thing just bothers my anxiety SO bad. It ruins the breakthrough of feeling like I can handle the rest of the symptoms better than before! 

      I don’t ever remember feeling my “neck” pulse without looking for it on purpose! Lol

  • Posted

    I use to fret over my pulse in my neck now I have a Fitbit I constantly check that ...
    • Posted

      Clare do you think it helps to actually check with it, or do you think it makes it worse? 

      Also, what types of feelings/beats did you notice in your neck? 

      Thank you for replying 🙏🏻 

    • Posted

      I like having my Fitbit , as for the feeling I can only say it was racing , it was more my heart I was fixated on . 


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    I sympathise with you but I haven't thought about this before, until now  lol.  look what you started!  My big anxiety thing is palpitations twinges in chest area,  I obsess with that.  It all disappeared for nearly a year and I felt normal, but  back again, and the anxiety that comes with it.  Are you feeling the beats in your neck, is that the reason you are reaching to check it?  

    • Posted

      Yeah- I feel the beats in my neck sometimes and it drives me crazy 
  • Posted

    I have this all the time, when I go upstairs to the toilet it starts pulsing and then I’m watching it in the bathroom mirror, I’ve got used to it now and when I’ve asked other people they all get this so I think it’s just a normal sensation, try not to worry about it too much, I know it’s easy to say but if loads of other people have it I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Caroline!!! 

      YES lol same thing I’ll go look for it in the mirror, start feeling around on my neck (like I’m a doctor and know what I’m looking for LOL!)  

      I like knowing that someone else has this tho!

  • Posted

    I obsessed over a bone in my foot and a pronounced muscle in my arm because I lost some weight in peri (gastitis) and I was convinced they were something sinister, I even went to the doctors about it, but it was where they were more prominent with the weight loss! This is how it messes our heads up, thankfully it did pass x

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