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Hiya I haven't had a period for over 2yrs and just started bleeding got bad flushing of my face and don't get me started on my skin I'm crying all the time I'm 51 and don't know what this is please help x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Love,

    I’m not sure what to say, I went nearly a year then had one ? I’m also 51 it’s a nightmare ! I’m sure there will be someone else on here who has had the same thing happen.  Please don’t distress yourself, Meno has a mind of its own I think.  The crying is just stupid hormones, had a little cry myself today xx big hugs to you xx

  • Posted

    Hi Sian, you can be in peri for years and years. Looking back at all the strange ailments I developed, I suddenly realised that I had been in peri for 6 to 8 years and my ovaries finally crashed totally last December. I was all over the place, crying at the drop of a hat, hot flushes, paranoia, extreme panic attacks and my body didnt feel like mine anymore. My 5 main senses have been affected to the extreme, food and drink even water tastes like poison. I have constant ringing in my ears, visual disturbances, my sense of smell is all over the place. I cant sleep, sometimes for days at a time. HRT is helping but it does take a while to kick in, so I"m hoping it will keep getting better. I know its doing something because I'm getting ovarian pains. So you are not alone. Stay in touch with this forum and you will find hundreds of women all over the world sharing what you are going through so we all are there for eachother. Hugs 2 u at this horrid but unavoidable time.

    • Posted

      Well said Tina! It’s a nightmare but keep sharing it helps so much and so many x😊

    • Posted

      I will do Trevis, simply because it was other ladies on this forum that gave me the help and support I needed when I needed it so I'm here for anyone. Public replies or pm me if you want a private chat. Hugs and kisses to every lady on here who is currently suffering. We must all remember WE ARE NEVER ALONE.

  • Posted

    Hi I had the same thing happen to me I had gone about 18 months no period. Then I had a bleed it sent me unto complete panic. I was 55.I went to the Dr who send me for a internal scan .The lining of my uterus was slightly thicker and this had caused me to have one final serge of hormones .I was bleeding for a week and then that was it .Chat to your Dr but this happens a lot bloody hormone's are a nightmare. Keep strong and know you are not the only one on this roller coaster ride .

  • Posted

    Don’t panic I know many women like this.  Do go to your GP just to dismiss anything nasty.  It probably won’t be but you need to make sure.

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