need advice/help
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hi all i'm 53 and been post menopause for about 3yrs my doctor will not give me hrt as my mum's sister and her daughter my cousin both had triple neg breast cancer even though no one else in family have or had it so since hitting menopause i think i have had everthing thrown at me heart palpitations anxiety weird head feeling i'm not the person i was at the moment i'm on 3x 10mg propranolol and 2x 5mg librium as i've tried ssri's but dont like side effects went to doctor today as all day yesterday was haveing skipped beats and he said i might need a 24hr moniter to check why i'm haveing them which is scareing life out of me as he said it wouldnt be menopause related i'm at my wits end please is anyone else suffering like me
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mandygolf wendy94366
hi darling,
firstly can i say, yes i am suffering, the strangest head feelings, tinitus, loss of balance, anxiety, panic attacks, exhausted, grey skin, hair falling out, weight gain! no change in calorie intake, racing heart, skipping heart rate, honestly all horrid stuff, the severe sweats and hot flushes, i have taken the medication you are on, but they made symptoms (heart) worse! most bloody tablets make me worse... i feel for tou my lovely, i really do, i am 51 niw, and feel and look 90! i lost me, i really did... does not make it better darling, but your not alone...
wendy94366 mandygolf
ty mandy for replying i thought i was only one but doctor dismisses that it menopause related thats why i was getting myself in a state tablets do help but have odd days where my heart skipping beats when i really stressed hope you get better soon hugs xx
lorraine21138 wendy94366
Hi there you're certainly not alone lovely ladies! I have skipped beats, along with aches and pains and so much hair falling out I've had to have my once gloriously long locks cut shorter to make it look better 😦 I also have feelings of doom and gloom and am totally exhausted many days but unable to sleep properly at night. The one that scares me the most though is the forgetfulness and brain fog - sometimes I am so bad I can't even get my words out properly which makes me more conscious of it and panic that I've got some kind of brain disorder! I've said it before and I'll say it again - Mother Nature is really a cowbag to put us through this after we've added to the world through our fertile years! I'm sure she's a chauvinistic bloke really.....hugs to all x
pinkcatfairy wendy94366
Dear wendy
Like you, I am three years post menopause. I dont take anything due to my sister having breast cancer at 27.I have had the heart palpitations and had the 24 hour monitor thing in the past. I have a hiatas hernia so im not sure if sometimes that is the chest fluttering I get too. The symptoms never quite go. I had the anxiety and panic attacks, thankfully the panic attacks subsided but i still sometimes get the wierd head thing like telling me to panic. I do take a multi vitamin for the over fifties which seemed to help.
rhonda86833 wendy94366
I've had heart palpitations for years. PVCs and more recently added v-tach to my repertoire. My electrophysiologist (heart rhythm doctor) told me hormone fluctuations definitely play a part in heart palpitations. I've had my worst episodes in times of hormone upheaval; either when I was pregnant or now during this perimenopause hell. I had a horrible night last night with adrenaline surges, anxiety, crazy heart palps, arm and upper back pain, and gastrointestinal upset. Hardly slept at all.
lucy48229 rhonda86833
I may need ask your doctor to check your thyroid which can cause the same symptoms and always be missed.
wendy94366 lucy48229
had bloods done few months ago thyroid was ok
lucy48229 wendy94366
I have been suffering the same symptoms and have done tons of blood work. All of my blood work came back ok until my thyroid became painful and got iodine uptake . Hyper! my thyroid function is hyper! But all my blood work is fine!
rhonda86833 wendy94366
All of my info above being said, wear the monitor just to make sure. Ruling out things is always good.
lucy48229 wendy94366
You may ask your doctor check your thyroid. It seems like thyroid problem which the doctor always misses.