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hi can anyone out there help me been ill all day with symptoms now freaking out realy bad heart palpitations feelijg like jelly gejerally feeling really scared and ill

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sorry!! I don't blame you for being nervous. Have you spoken to a doctor?  Are these feelings unusual or have you experienced this before?
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    sorry to hear that. If it is too bad, this is better to go to doctor to assure yourself that everything is OK. Once you know that this is only hormonal change you are expereincing, symptoms becomes much better and bearable, less anxiety and panick. 

  • Posted

     I agree with the ladies, its best to go and get this checked out if you have not experienced it before or have not had it checked, I know (believe me I know) going to the dr and especially the E.R is extremely stressful and I am dreading going for my issues, but when it comes to the heart you do not want to fool around especially when you are menopausal. But, hormones do cause the palpitations but get it checked and let us know.
  • Posted

    hi thank you for replying yea im in the meonpause diagnosed three months ago everything was going great been checked out afta a rocky start but today symptoms been continuous feeling nauseous faint chest pain and that horrible ice cold feeling then the flushes been ongoin all day n just as i thought it couldnt get any worse the panic and anxiety kicked in just to make the day complete
    • Posted

      Well, then. There are days when these symptoms are so though and unbearable....What I do is, try to stay calm at home, deep breathing and try to focus on my breathing rather than being driven by crazy anxiety thougths and emotions. Take care and support to you. smile
  • Posted

    on top of that i have continuous sneezing and a throat like cut glass does anyone else get that x
  • Posted

    thank you for the support i dont know what id do without this site to come to and talk to you ladies x
  • Posted

    OK, if you have been diagnosed with being in meno, as I have too, I had all the tests done too and it has eased my mind some when I think something really horrible is happening to me. Its very rough I do NOT know what I would do if it were not for this board what I would do, probably I would literally be at the E.R every day, seriously.  I agree that alta that knowings its menopausal does help I like chamoile tea and a little wine that may help you relax.
  • Posted

    i totally agree i thought i was having a heart attack when i was introduced to menopause and then folliowed the panic attacks the anxiety and i did counselling and am taking all herbal tablets no hrt and things have been great for bout six weeks until today it started well and then just progressively got worse neva hads an attack like this for a while im usually quite good at my breathing and relaxation but it just got the better of me tonight x
    • Posted

      Absolutely, I am wondering HOW LONG this will last, because a few months ago I was watching Good Morning America (I live in the U.S) and they were discussing a report that said that menopause can last 14 years. I almost fell off the bed, there is no way I want to deal with this for 14 years, clearly that is the worse case scenario but a lot of women are going through this for years. Its really disheartening to think this could be my life for the next 10-14 years/
    • Posted


      I've had symptoms for months but never ? It could be menopausal I had hysterectomy at the age of 33 bk in 1991, have 1 ovary but symptoms have slowly started when I think bk

      Anxiety upset (I'm emotional at best of times ) but worse over last few months palpitations when trying to get to sleep the odd night sweats restless sleep and bk in December back pain that had now gone into both my knees causing huge problems n excruciating pain hence unable to work, seen my gp from dec till last thrsday but states the pain due to dengenerative arthritis I have never thgt it could be my menopause and obviously neither has he, my sister read a post on here n told me to read it

      It may aswell of been me writing it the exact same problems and she had been seen by her gp n diagnosed that she is menopausal N her medication has improved her aches pains n mobility i have appt AGAIN on Monday my sister also suffers with aches n pains due to hormones n takes HRT n noticed during a break from it all her aches n pains came bk now bk on it it's helping her symptoms again

  • Posted

    yea i know what you mean the programme i watched in uk said up to 7 years and i thought dear god no.  i have been lucky last few weeks had odd symptom that i could manage but today was like the beginning all over again.  they say it gets better as it goes along lets hope thats the case of all of us x
  • Posted

    To be honest, if the natural remedies do not work after a year I am going to go with the HRTS, probably a low dose, but I am not dealing with this for years. I cannot do it, the stres, the anxiety, the brest pain, the joint pain, hot flashes, my hair has really thinned, the weight that wont come off, mood swings, depression, its really rough and I cant deal with this for years.
    • Posted

      i just really started this journey about 4 months ago after false starts for the last 4 years.  i am still in perimenopause, bleeding regularly, but have terrible cramps.  4 months ago my heart started racing so fast, high blood pressure and my torso felt like an instant sunburn.  this happened at bedtime when i was calm and ready for bed.  all of the sudden my heart rate was up, i got pain in my chest,  jelly legs, felt like passing out, had urges for the bathroom (numbers 1 AND 2) and decided to go to the er.  they said it was GERD.  well i'd had heartburn and THIS wasn't heartburn.  but the bloodwork said my heart was fine.   this happened 2 weeks later, again, and this time they did a stress test - again fine.  MY diagnosis:  hot flash, palpitations, racing heart, panic attack.  once all b/w and tests were clear of other issues, i started to calm down.  i have changed my diet, drink more water and herbal teas.  take evening primrose 3 times a day, take more calcium and eat low fat dairy; take b-complex and acidophilus.  i'm staying away from spicy foods and too much sugar because spicy foods do heat me up and sugar makes my joints ache.  menopause IS natural, but i think with all the crap that is in our food, water and skin and hair products, we really need to watch what we put in and on ourselves.  (i too am NOT going to be okay with this lasting 7 -14 years!!)  just breathe. 
    • Posted

      I notice you said sugar makes the joint pain worse, others have said the same thing and while I am type 2 diabetic I avoid sugar most of thetime, I will admit I cheat sometimes. I am wondering if that may be contributing to my joint aches, I heard caffeine also aggravates some of this, well another reason to end the sugars. Thanks 
    • Posted

      yes definitely.  my friend and i talk about this constantly.  breads, pastas - anything made with flour makes us both feel like crap.  the cheating gets fewer and far between (unless the cravings win out) because who wants to feel like crap with the rest of these things going on - am i right?!    i have eliminated caffeine as well.  i use honey and coconut sugar for sweetening. 

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