Need help with symptons
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Hi, I had a hysterectomy when I was 36 years old and now 47After the surgery I started having these episodes. I get a flushed feeling my heart rate increases, I get dizzy. I have been to the hospital on several occasions and they cannot figure it out. I have had stress tests, halter monitor and all kinds of blood work. It is very scary and I am sure I amp myself up when they happen because of my family history of heart issues. I have been on hormone medication and they still happen. Does anyone else have this. It makes you feel like you are going crazy because no one can figure it out.
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Lotti1966 Tc0118
Did you have a total hysterectomy or a partial?
Tc0118 Lotti1966
cindy1957 Tc0118
Yes, I have the dizzy stuff ,fatigue, foggy head, heart palputations, sore left breast, hot flashes, hot feeling, strange face feeling, like tingling and also very much anxiety too..I've had blood work done, nothing wrong there, Mammogram in November everything good there too. I had a partial hystorectomy about 26 years ago and I'm not 60, I do believe my menopause started in 2008 or so because my FSH reading was 49. something and in 2015 it was 77. something so yes, menopause for me I guess, and I'm asume all these crazy things going on with me are all menopause related, oh yeah one I forgot to mention, burning mouth syndrome BMS it's called and I'm not a diabetic although I am pre diabetic but watching that every morning. I've become a total aware of health nut right now and so fatigued most of the day, I HATE IT!!!! Good luck to you, we can make it though, look at all those ladies that have and are going through what we are now. I also do OTC over the counter pills, only 9 days on it and hopefully they will kick in. I'm also on clonazepam and bp medicine too!
Tc0118 cindy1957
cindy1957 Tc0118
Oh gosh that's when my anxiety kicks in and I keep trying to tell myself "you're okay and this too will pass" but not easy. Today my left breast bothers me and of course I keep thinking something worse, I JUST WANT ME BACK!! Hopefully it'll all be back to normal, I pray.
anetta94863 Tc0118
Tc0118 anetta94863
So my new "episode" is when I wake up in the morning I have the flushing feeling and tend to feel like I am going to throw up. I have but I feel like it make to do with what some else mentioned is the pollem because "not to be grose"but is mucosy. The other symptoms seem to last a few hours. This has happened the last 3 days. Has anyone else ever get this?
anetta94863 Tc0118
cindy1957 Tc0118
I don't throw up but the spring time sure does bring on the crap in my throat and stuffy nose too. I never use to have allergies, so my guess is its menopause bringing it on full force.
unico31026 Tc0118