Need some encouragement ladies, its a rough one today

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Hi Ladies, its been a bit since I posted or have been on. Since my surgery and ovary removal, I have been so busy with life and things have been a bit better since starting bioidentical estradiol. But oh my goodness, I am a week out from my period and the horrible chest pain came back with a vengence, the shortness of breath and feeling like I was going to die. That fear is the worst. I am a bit blah today and have a double shift to get thru at work today and tomorrow. I need some encouragment to help me not freak out. I have been to the ER so many times and have had every test under the sun on my heart. Im told that I just have anxiety, and it is not my heart. I know its hormones and when they fluctuate, I am a hot mess. I take Serrapeptase to help with the chest pain and it has helped some, but this month, those pains are just brutal. I had a rough night with difficulty sleeping, heart pounding, shortness of breath and those pains. Do any of you ladies get the chest pains, heart racing and what do you do to calm yourself down? I really feel embarraseed running to the ER when I get frightened. and need some encouragement and coping tips. Thanks smile 

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Snowball tell me about it girl,how many times I went down to A&E thinking I'm having s heart attack me you together my heart is fine at night when my heart pound I try to ignore it because you have tell your self you be OK its only hormones breathing exercises we all in it together I have Asthma and scares me when I can't breath but it settles talking myself out of it and sleeping I'd my biggest worry not been getting much Drs in the UK don't offer sleeping pills fearing you will get addicted but I think they should help you sometime s with a few they so tertible,right now I'm on low dose of HRT and been 3,weeks but you have to be on that for a while not that I want to but swore i wouldn't only for a while,try to keep calm when heart race if your in bed get up and walk around till it stop and then go back to bex.
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      Maria, thank you. Its so wonderful knowing I am not alone. I am low dose bioidentical hormones and I am getting some relief, but on those days that your symptoms flare, it is so scary.
  • Posted

    It seems like the symptoms get worse the week before a period.  Deep breathing helps some, but I know what you mean about being a hot mess, and when you're in panic, it can be hard to tell yourself that it's anxiety that will pass.  I hope your recovery has gone well.  Good luck with the double shift!  
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      Thank you Elizabeth, yes the week before is brutal. I am doing much better this evening now that my first shift has passed, I am getting ready to go to my 2nd shift in a few. My recovery went well, thank you for asking smile 
    • Posted

      I get the exhausted feeling in my chest sometimes like I can't breath. I swear sometimes I feel like I will pass out or have a heart attack, but I dont5. I just try to not think about it and it eventually eases up.

      I never had the pains in my chest, but my friend gets those pains a lot. I don't know how often she gets them, or if she takes anything for it, but she said it is pretty painful and scary.

      Good Luck and hope you get some relief soon.

  • Posted

    Oh Snowbell!! I am 50 years old and my symptoms are growing every week!!

    Just this last Friday, I thought I was having a heart attack,. Then realized it was possibly to low ( below my sternum). The pressure was STRONG and I couldn't catch my breath! I literally fought the urge to go to the ER ,. #1 because it was Memorial Day weekend,. And #2 our ER doctors are horrible! ( I and my children were misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated on more than one occasion! I now strive to hold out to see my family doctor.

    I just went yesterday for blood work up from my family doctor, expecting results tomorrow. Also scheduled an 8am appt tomorrow with OBGYN.

    Getting older is the Pitts, but I guess it's better than being 6ft under!😁

    • Posted

      Gina I totally can understand your fear of the docs, I have had my share of docs that are clueless. And yes, this is the pitts, but I am so glad I have you ladies to bring me comfort when times get rough. Not that I would wish this on anyone, but its comforting to know you ladies can relate and understand. 
  • Posted

    snowbell, i have had all of this.  i tried gaviscon and found it really helped the palpitations i I took this as sometimes it is the stomach that causes them.  it would be no harm to try something like this to see if ithelps you too.  its awfu
  • Posted

    I'm sorry you are not feeling well but all of your symptoms are from anxiety and mild panic attacks. I know all too well what you are going through because I've suffered from it for years . After going to the emergency room three times in 2 months and having to be sedated because of anxiety and panic attacks ( they've gotten worse since Peri) I have finally been put on hydroxyzine 20mg and ALL of my symptoms are gone. I'm hoping you find relief soon.
    • Posted

      Unico, thank you fjor that. Anxiety is just horrible and I am so glad you got relief. I was given Xanax to treat tha panic attacks and it works so well, but is terribly addictive so I try to reserve only taking it when I am on the edge. I was almost there yesterday and thank God, I worked thru it. I really need to ask my doctor about the hydroxyzine and take that instead. 
    • Posted

      Dear snowbell

      Have you had your magnesium levels tested? Low magnesium can cause anxiety and panic attacks, do your muscles hurt? I had painful muscles and terrible anxiety, i take 20ml liquid magnesium and the muscle pain has gone and i definitely feel less anxious and touch wood the panic attacks have subsided. I do get the odd heart flutter, i believe the change in hormones can cause palpitations x

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. I did have my levels tested and all was fine but I do take magnesuim every day anyways and I find it has helped me. I totally agree that the change in hormones is what is causing us so many problems. I wish it would all come to an end soon. 
  • Posted

    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone of you ladies for helping me out when things get nasty. Without your support, I would not be able to go thru these rough days. I pray all of us come thru this much stronger women than when we started. 
    • Posted

      Hi snowball thank you for your posts.  I relate to your words.  I was wondering how old you were?  I am 40 years old and feel all my symptoms relate to my hormones.  The anxiety for me is the worst, I usually try to remember to breathe and I feel that the anxiety causes me to overthink everything.  I love coming here and reading all the experiences that we women have to go through.  
    • Posted

      Hi Kathy, I am 41. This all started when I turned 40. I agree, the anxiety is the worst and does have you overthink every little thing. I love coming here to read as well, its very comforting.
    • Posted

      I feel bad for all you ladies dealing with these crazy symptons in your late 30'summer or early 40'so. I'm almost 51, so only been dealing with these issues over the past 2 or 3 years.

      You would think with all the medical technology, and so many of us women going through this, there would be a treatment that cured all our symptoms by now.

      That's why no one likes doctors and they all come here for advice instead. Itso comforting to know you're not alone, and actually get helpful advice and empathy here.

      If only our Dr's. we're more emphatic and helpful like we all are for each other, imagine the medical industry would be a more positive experience and we would actually like going to them.

      Well as I said before, hang in there ladies. This menopause thing won't last forever. Taking it one day at a time.🤗

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      One day at at a time.  I was wondering if anyone felt worse before or after they period?  
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      I do for sure. Ovulation, a week before and week after my period are the worst. That takes up all darn month for me basically. But I try to push forward and keep going even though I feel like I won't make it sometimes.
    • Posted

      The same for me.  Thank you Jamie, it is so nice to be able to compare and share what helps us.  We are strong women and pushing forward is all we can do.  I am grateful for my life and try to really focus on the positive things. Somedays it is harder than others.  Thank you for your reply!


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      The week of ovulation is brutal, as well as the week before the period and now right as the period is ending. We just can't catch a break here. 
    • Posted

      Snowbell I agree! I am trying to eat healthy, take vitamins, and exercise I have read some great books that have helped me tremendously.  I try to remind myself that my period is just endng/ starting and I usually feel more symptoms.  Thank you for your reply...reading all of your responses helps me.

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