Need some help please???????.
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Hi all,
here goes I'm 47, being in Peri for 22months, always suffered with deliberating Migranes ( for 20+ years and yes I take medication for this, ) acid reflux for 6+ years.
and for the last 4months suffered with my sinuses and take medication for this also....... So I've a new symptom added with my sinus problem now, my neck...... And when I get this a sore throat and also a headache all related Obviosly ENT ....
does anyone else get this to?
also I'm late by 2 weeks for my period I've ( like everyone else) had loads of peri symptoms and not a day NOT one day just lately where I'm free from these symptoms, I always have a day with somthing?!! Whether it's a new symptom or old!!!!
i take no vitamins or over the counter remedies what should I start taking to help me with these symptoms ladies???
thankyou for reading anyway!.
1 like, 14 replies
debbie83588 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly,i don't know if you get the hot flushes but i have conquered mine by taking sage capsules they completely get rid of them x
Shelly0069 debbie83588
thanks for replying oh yes started with the flushes be my 2nd week,
thanks for your advice. Defiantly look into this.
debbie83588 Shelly0069
debbie83588 Shelly0069
sue58256 debbie83588
debbie83588 sue58256
sue58256 debbie83588
Kadija1966 Shelly0069
Hi shelley
imtake evening primrose and also vitamin e capsules, it does help me as I have all those symptoms too, but I do get the odd week were I'm free from any symptoms. I get bad reflux and I take omeprazole, I also take domperidone, not routine though, just when I get the gastric and bloating. I also get bad breast pains, a sharp burning pain in my breasts. I don't go to doctors anymore as everytime I go there they send me home saying it's nothing wrong with me. I am in peri for 5 yrs now, I'm 49, my periods are every 3 wks. Sometimes heavy.
Nowadays I just take it easy and enjoy the days that I'm symptoms free as when I get all those symptoms I feel so miserable and get irritated with my families....oh well, but i found the supplements help me a little. Try and eat very light meals too, snack on nuts and dried fruits when you Feel hungry. Some days I don't really feel like eating, I snack on fruits . Cornflakes. Simple stuff. It helps with the reflux and bloating too.
CCinCal Kadija1966
Hi since my gastritis several months ago I've learned that corn is irritating to the digestive tract. When I eat it I can't tell myself but I'm avoiding it now.
Yellow88 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly have you checked your iron levels with the doc, particularly your FERRITIN level? It is your store house for iron so even when the haemaglobin level is fairly good this may be low and can cause AWFUL headaches. I take sumatriptan for my migraines and it has really saved me life but you probably know about this one.
If it could be you are low in iron try taking molasses - H&B do the one I use. It was bril for me as it did not upset me delicate digestion. Try one teaspoon in orange juice to start with and see how you go.
All the best luvy.
Shelly0069 Yellow88
Hi Allyk,
my iron was low, my doctor did the full blood works and as a result my iron was extremly low and put on to Ferrous sulphate tablets on the highest dose, 200mg daily 3x a day, feeling so muche better that was for 6 months which lapsed and another 6 months of the same medication 3x 200mg a day.
but I noticed 3 weeks ago I was getting a real bad sore throat, then following day stiff neck then that triggered a headache?. This since the 3weeks had been on and off( the neck at one point: I couldn't tilt my head back that lasted a day)
I'm also suffering with what can only b described as feeling very low to, soooo bloody miserable, again anyone RECCOMEND anything for this other off the doctor?.
bloody hormones.........carnt tolerate very much either got a very short fuse as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
melody93815 Shelly0069
debbie83588 melody93815
Yes it took over 6 weeks for the result and it was normal,u can see my frustration,i wouldn't normally make a fuss but I've had enough i really have xx
metamorphed Shelly0069