Need some menopause encouragement!
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Hello Ladies! It's been 8 years of hell since my last
period. Although a few years in between were doable like going to weddings, parties, socializing,
I went across country last August on vacation and all the severe symptoms are back with a vengeance like the first 2 years which was awful. Due to close relatives and family with breast cancer, I decided to do this passage holistic. Maybe a mistake!! It's been way too long to go on or try HRT in this stage,
however, the anxiety, coping, and imbalance is quite challenging. Ugh.
Any of you in this late stage grab the golden ring and back to yourself somewhat??????
I feel SO alone! I'm in sales and talk about insult to injury....gee Louise. HELP!! Jamie
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Fairy28 jamie53221
You're not alone Jamie - im right there with you, yes anxiety and imbalance is nasty. I can't have HRT either so it's a hard slog , im impatient and three years in is too long with this crap x
gailannie jamie53221
Jamie, sorry about these continued symptoms. I guess I do want to throw in that some woman have started HRT years after meno. One of those low dose, start low and go slow kind of things. I have an aunt in her early 80s who's still taking HRT. She won't give it up, as she was still having hot flashes in her late 70s. Sometimes, for some women, these symptoms don't go away. She was happy to go on estogen and it did help.
So, I guess never say never. You really don't know what might help.
dee53012 jamie53221
Hi Jamie,
I do not have cancer, but i do have a progressive disease, but have also chosen to live and die as natrually as possible.
There is no right or wrong way to do life and death. what were your reasons for deciding to treat holisticly? I weighed it out and decided that I'd rather go as natrually as possible, no life extending drugs. I do not have breast cancer, but i do have a prgressive connective tissue disease and celiacs, and I am not treating it with pharms, only changed my diet 180 degrees.
I do (TSY)Trauma Sencitive Yoga for stress. i am sure you can find it on line. getting a diagnosis is traumatic, TSA really helps me. They had classes where I live and took them. it was amazing how I felt after about 5 weeks of doing every day.
I'm sorry you feel alone, that is a hardest part about this process of dying. I live alone and don't get out but 2 times a week. i feel very alone often as well. Glad this site is here.
talk with you later i hope.
jamie53221 dee53012
Hey Dee, I decided to go holistically really just to see where I land with this passage of life. I know .... sounds crazy .... and it's been going on way to long. Every women I work with who's over 45 are either on HRT or ERT and they're totally, seemingly, enjoying life. The most confirmed statement I read and researched of menopause was it's not a disease, it's a condition. You treat disease. Trust me, it feels like a disease but I'm hopeful there's an ending just like there was a beginning. It's a 'change' and it has to change sooner or later. I have no idea what the message is, rhyme, or reason, but I'll be the first to let you know. And boy does this suck😀
jannie9770 jamie53221
It's never too late to go back yo the Dr and seek advice especially if the symptoms are affecting your quality of life, you get one life Jamie. I decided HRT is worth a try because the symptoms are so debilitating and I felt I'd lost myself.
talking helps lots and for me walking and being outside/ gardening is helpful for relaxation even when your legs feel jittery and your anxious as hec!!
dee53012 jannie9770