Need to vent....feel yuk!
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Hi Ladies, how are you all? Time to vent, am feeling really weird & yuk, I get these horrible sensations that tend to build & go through me, I get hot with weird floaty head feelings then come the tears! blubbering like a possessed two year old( yes, said with a chuckle) ranting, raving, wandering around the house then it passes but I still feel floaty & off. I'm in full meno by a few it all going to get worse? will I survive this mayhem? Will it all stop? OMG, WT?! 👿 Have thought that maybe the Livial HRT isn't working even though I've been taking it for I need to give it a bit longer? it has eased some of my symptoms but the three main symptoms I'm finding hard & scary are the floaty off head feelings, sickly hungry low sugar feelings...lock me in the pantry & I'll eat all day! LoL...and the weird body sensations that feel like something dire will happen to me & also can at times have me in a flood of crazy tears 😪 Normality used to be my friend but seems like it has packed it's bags & left me for dead! 😕 Oh where are you?....please come back! LoL Am I normal, is all this normal?
Take Care xo
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ellacraig NuttyNan
I'm sick to effing death too. I'm peri and still getting periods but yeh the heavy lead weight feeling in head, mostly in the mornings.
I'm a blubbering mess today too. Can't stop crying, can't sleep, bloated like CRAZY.
Trying to hide my tears from my poor poor little daughter who doesn't understand why mummy is soo unhappy and crying all the time.
Agh sorry, please god fix us all!
NuttyNan ellacraig
Take Care xo
ellacraig NuttyNan
Yes a gassy bloated moody cow Tis me today.
hope you are feeling better too xx
jamie50513 NuttyNan
I get that heavy lead head feeling, and the dizziness. It drives me crazy as I went to the ER for it and they told me nothing was wrong. Needless to say, I didn't like that answer. I also have those weird sensations that go through my body too. Scares me as I start to panic thinking I have a serious illness of some sort. I notice my symptoms get worse when it's time for my menses which is due really soon. I been home in and out of the bed since Friday with those weird head feelings. This mess just started for me a about three months ago and I am dreading thinking that this can go on for years.
NuttyNan jamie50513
jamie50513 NuttyNan
Thanks for the reply. It's almost time for me to get up to go to work today and I can certainly say I do not want to go. I need to go because I have bills to pay, but I am not looking forward to being on edge all day. Just knowing that I have to there suffering through these symptoms is making me have anxiety. Just not in the mood. I want to take my aunts advice and look into the low dose birth control pills. I don't know if I can handle this for many years. I believe I was already in peri and just didn't know. I've had the long menses with heavy bleeding and clotting for days, the hot flushes, night sweats, heart flutters, joint pain, achy teeth, and whatever else. I just didn't think much about it. Thank you for listening and sharing your expierences. It really helps me to not feel so alone. Take care!!
monique_93857 jamie50513
jamie50513 monique_93857
My body coming down after an anxiety attack is the worse. I'm shaking, can't think straight, and try to keep from crying. It's all just messy and crazy. The last time I went to the ER I was screaming that I was dizzy and couldn't breathe, they checked me in and told me to go have a seat. I couldn't belive it. So now I started staying home and trying to tough out the feelings when they come on. I just don't like driving when I feel like that.
Topo14 NuttyNan
all of October & November last year I was like that. It was the worsed feeling I have ever encountered. I could not shake this doom & gloom feeling, like every day was my last day alive. I could not work, sat on the couch all day for 6 weeks. Just feeding the cat was too much....
Then one morning in Dezember I woke up and felt a lot lighter in the weird. I had not changed anything, it just happened. Since then it has been a slight improvement in my mental health, even though I have better days than others, but I do not cry as much anymore and am not starting back to work. My physical symptoms though have gotten a bit worse. I am currently on day 44 of my cycle without a period. This is a first for me. I am now taking it one day at a time, but I do understand how you feel. It will subside eventually....I just hope it does not come back. Hang in there, you are not alone!!! xx
debbie_18471 NuttyNan
I am so so glad you posted today. So sorry you are feeling so horrible. I can completely relate. Had a horrible night last night where I couldn't sleep more than 45 minutes at a time then would wake up with internal tremors, fast heart beat and feeling warm. Plus Anxiety attack because of symptoms. Got up to get ready for my doctors appointment where I was going to demand that someone please give me something to help me stop this madness. All the while feeling weird head fog, slightly off balance and jittery and shaky like hypoglycemic. Drove to doctors in tears the whole way, Arrived to my 11:00am appointment only to be told my appointment was for 10:40 and I would have to come back on Friday. Oh brother😜😜. I thought I was over the sleepless nights, I thought my anxiety was getting better. Ugh. I definitely feel your frustration NuttyNan. We could all write a book about now about all our crazy symptoms. Thanks for sharing. Your humor made me laugh and brought a smile to my face. I feel horrible for my poor husband. I don't resemble the woman I use to be 24 months ago. Take Care and keep sharing
Sochima822 NuttyNan
jamie50513 Sochima822
My aunt suggested for me to ask my GYNE for a low dose birth control pill. She said it would make me feel a lot better. She went through Peri pretty rough and she said the low dose birth control pills helped her to feeling back like herself after a few days. She said she took them for about 6 months since she didn't want HRT. I'm considering asking for it myself. These crazy head feelings are truly scary
Sochima822 jamie50513
NuttyNan Sochima822
Take Care
Zigangie NuttyNan
Either that or see if your doctor will try you on a combo patch or cream/gel with separate progesterone.
I think these are easier (especially the gel) to fiddle with the dosage in case you need more or less estrogen.