Needing lil advice or reassurance today.. 2 months away from full menopause

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Good morning Ladies.  Not had a period since last September.  before that went 9 months and now into my 10th month. I hope this is almost over.  This last week or so has been rough, I had a handle on my anxiety until,  a new symptom shows up.  No idea if menopause related, although I read it is.  I keep thinking it's something sinister but can't bring myself to see dr over it.  I also MAY be blowing this out of proportion.  So forgive me in advance.  I am getting tinnitus off and on, and It seems to happen when I'm laying down.  Also neck position or my jaw opening or closing makes it start or stop sometimes.  I did this a little last year or so but it's more now.  So of course I'm worried.

Also, I am a bit more clumsy and have my grand kids a lot, so I figure I'm doing something to cause this but my arms are bruised every time I turn around.  They go away quickly and heal but then I get another one.  I'm trying to be aware of when I bump stuff now but it seems you can just barely bump me and I have one.  sad

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Shawnalb, isn't it lovely?   NOT!!!!    You are doing the slow dance into meno that I did.  With longer stretches between periods and zero schedule.  All this is saying is that you are still producing enough estradiol to stimulate the uterine lining, albeit in a sporadic way.  The good news is, I experienced very few, if any, hot flashes or night sweats.  But didn't connect the dots on other less mentioned symptoms.  

    The things that you mentioned, tinnitus, bruising, and being clumsy, are not a surprise.  These seem to go hand in hand with losing our estradiol and progesterone.  Sometimes I barely know myself any more.  

    Take a deep breath and don't worry, it's all part of aging and coming into menopause

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      Gailannie,  NOT,! you are correct.  I'm driving myself nuts today for some reason.  Did you bruise

      like this and have any tinnitus?  I'm definitely lil more clumsy but I didn't THAT bad. 

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      I didn't notice the tinnitus so much into years into meno.  But yes, I did bruise more easily and felt that I was losing coordination.  Which is difficult for me to accept, since I was always very coordinated and loved dancing.   

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      oh thanks you for the reply.  i am lil more relieved .  i cant imagine feeling normal again its been early 40’s since ive started slowly getting symptoms and never connected the dots until i found this blog!  even drs didn’t relieve my anxiety as much as finding others who have experienced same things. hugs
  • Posted

    Ypur not crazy or going crazy it's definitely a part of this crazy thing we call menopause ive been there done it the tendonitis bursitis mainly in my left shoulder and elbow ringing in my ears flopping tummy burning tongue crawling skin sensitive teeth aching joints even my jaw my ear hurts hands also dry eyes nose allergies more sensitive sleepless nights hot flushes anxiety i also experienced doomed feeling like something was always gonna happen off balance feeling you name it nausea alot for no reason i was just telling another group of ladies I've been going through this since age 47 now im 53 it definitely was a roller coaster most symptoms have went away or shall i say i just learn to ignore them it does get better but it took me awhile so many symptoms kept popping up and im sure there are more to come I've been at a stand still for now nothing horrible except the nausea at times hang in there ladies it does get a little better praying for all of us

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      i have had each of all these symptoms you mentioned w my worst being anxiety and fatigue but more achey sore muscles amd joints especially upon waking up.  i feel 90 yrs old in morning lol  i just felt i was falling apart and it’s so scary im going to feel like crap rest of my life.  i call in to work so much because i cant get out of bed and need to sleep.  i toss and turn so bad im not resting until i crash and then its time to get up!    i hioe you are feeling better and im glad to hear it gets easier.  if i have another period and haveto start counting all over im going to admit myself to a crazy farm smile

  • Posted

    I personally think that you are officially making your way into menohood. And thats a great thing because you are getting through all of this.Often times dizziness can come from a nerve compression, and it causes dizziness, very common. You could also run a cbc to just see where your hematocrit and hg are at, and platelets as well. Just to rule things out to make sure your not bruising for any other reason. ( bruise also easily)

    I wouldnt worry at all, i think its just whats happening to you during this time of transition. I have so many things going on that i dont even really register it too much other than to say"oh ya another menopause symptom "Unless my heart starts beating irregular then it catches my full attention an im in panic mode.

    Dont worry shawn..



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      thank you so much for the response.  I just had an epiphany that on 4th of july when i had grandkids we were wrestling on floor and it could be from that.  Hel* i dont know! lol   im sick of driving myself nuts over it all.  Ive been going over things i do daily to figure out how im getting these darn things and its just stupid.  I am so glad i found this website and blog.  I hope we can comtyto talk.

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      Ofcourse Shawn x0x0

      I reallly have found this place to be a saving grace. 

      Yeah, there is a lot going on with our bodies that can be attributed to the hormones and this transition. Its the big picture basically of why so many things go on, its the umbrella to everything.

      Let me know how it goes w the neck and bruising 



    • Posted

      i will.  i cant believe the things we do to avoid noticing another symptom, well me anyway!  i found myself needing a break so bad that i took a complete shower in the dark. : /   How nuts is this?

      i wish we could get where we say screw it and what will be will be.  I turn 50 in two mo and im so sick about that too.  I know it’s just number but its a big one haha  more years behind me than in front. 

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