Never a days illness, now this!!
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Hi all i think i need your help ,i think my husband has pmr and he is really suffering, going back to docters tommorow to get xray husband has never had a days illness in his life and now he is in so much pain and he is not handling it very well. I am a chronic pain suffer have been for years, he has watched over me and see the pain that i am in. the problem is he is now depressed and if the docter gives him the results im hopeing he dosnt have.i dont know how he going to handle it, what are your symtons[cant spell] could anyone help me with this, and how you cope with this illness
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Like everyone else on here I am really sorry to hear that you have been having such a rough time :cry: and I am shocked that your doctor was not monitoring you more carefully with your should never have got to the stage that you were in danger of losing your foot :x .
Aren't men JUST wonderful though (sorry Rick :lol
we are just back from holiday & my one has what could only be described as a very slight sniffle, but you would think he had the plague the way he is carrying on :roll:....I don't know how they would ever cope if they had to give birth...a lot of one child families me-thinks :wink:
Hope things get loads better for you soon.
very best wishes, |Pauline.
How lovely to hear from you again but very sad to hear that you've been so unwell. As though you haven't enough to contend with. I hope Jim is getting some relief from the steroid injections and I'll be thinking of you whilst you have your treatment over the next six weeks. Not a great thought to go into 2011 with is it, but let's hope that the New Year :bubbly: will bring you both some degree of good health and a huge helping of happiness. Take care both of you.
Best Wishes from Lizzie Ellen
It's so good to hear from you again as I've missed your posts and wondered how everything was going as I remember the news was not so good the last time you posted. Although you have had the misfortune to be admitted to hospital, Joan, it does sound as they they have a handle on things and are able to treat you. Likewise for you, Jim, at least after all the trials and tribulations of non-diagnosis over many months, it's good to hear that you are finally having treatment that is giving you pain relief. So let's hope it is onwards and upwards from now on for both of you :cheers:
I can understand how the thought of six weeks in hospital would make you say \"Oh, Oh\". I do hope you will have lots of support during your long treatment for just the journey day after day is exhausting. I don't know if it is general but I know in these parts patients having to attend hospital over a long period are given concessions for parking but you do have to ask. Hope it is not too far away from your home.
I was interested to read that Jim is having steroid injections for his pain. A neighbour of ours is also waiting for diagnosis fo which inflammatory arthitis she is suffering from.She could barely move just before Christmas but is a bit more comfortable after the injection.
Wishing you both a better 2011 than 2010 has been.
I am just back from a few days away & was delighted to see you posting again, as like the others, I had missed you and was wondering how things were going for you both.
I am really sorry that you ended up in hospital, but at least it now means that you are getting the treatment you need and we will all be keeping everything crossed for you that it works well and you get better really soon 8) .
I had to have an injection in my shoulder at the end of October as the pain and stiffness was so bad in it :cry: and it worked a treat, so hope Jim is getting similar relief from his injections.
Hopefully 2011 will bring better health for all of don't appreciate it until its not there anymore !!
welcome back & love, Pauline.
If all the thoughts and good wishes of your friends here could be bundled together and given to you alongside your treatment then I know we would do it! Your Doctors :doctor: must feel very confindent that this latest treatment is going to work as it sounds quite involved and very expensive and as you say, funding is limited so they'll only give it to those with the best chance of success. Good luck and keep us posted. May 2011 be a turning point for you both and bring you Health and Happiness in bucket loads!
Take care,
Love from Lizzie Ellen
And your life is certainly tough with all your health worries but I do hope the hospital treatment helps sort things out for you a bit.
We all could do with a bit of sun and better weather to brighten up 2011! But i wish you all the best......
Green granny
I do hope the good news that Jim is returning to work is just the first of more good news for you both in this new year and especially crossing fingers for you for a successful outcome of your treatment. My very best wishes. :ok: :goodluck:
Haven't seen any posts from you in the last wee while so just want to let you know that we are all still here and ready to support you if needs be,but hope that things have improved for you both and that you are keeping well.
best wishes, Pauline.
Glad to hear Jim is so much better He must be much happier back in the work routine Women always have a much better support network when they are at home I think
Sorry to hear you are still struggling but hope you have some improvement soon
Best wishes
Mrs G